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Navigating within the Source RoleLocate this document in the navigation structure


When creating an OBN link, you can specify that the navigation target selected at runtime is from the same role that contains the source iView.

More information: Creating an OBN Link .


When creating the IOBNMetadata object for creating an OBN link, add a parameter that specifies that you want to navigate only within the current role, that is, the role that contains the iView that contains the OBN link. For example:

            // Create the OBN factory
IOBNService obnService = (IOBNService) WDPortalUtils
OBNFactory obnFactory = obnService.getObjectsFactory();
// Create an OBN metadata object (valid for both technologies)
IOBNMetadata obnMetaData = obnFactory
// Create an OBN parameter for source role navigation
String navModeName =
String navModeValue =
IOBNParameterData sourceNavModeParam = myOBNFactory
// Add parameter to OBN metadata
myMetaData.setParameter(navModeName , sourceNavModeParam);