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For many of the conditional tags, a second tag is included for testing whether the condition is false. If the condition is false, the tag's body is included.

To include a certain HTML if a condition is true, and a different HTML otherwise, you add a conditional tag to check if the condition is true, and then add the corresponding tag to check if the condition is false.

The following selects a style for an anchor if the current node is the context node, and a different style if it is not the context node:

    <nav:navNodeAnchor navigationMethod="byURL"

    <nav:navNodeAnchor navigationMethod="byURL"


The tags for checking if a condition is false are the same as the tags for checking if the condition is true, except that they start with ifNot instead of if .

The following is a list of tags for checking if a condition is false.




Includes its body if the current user is not an anonymous user.

For more information, see ifAnonymousUser .


Includes its body if the current node is not the first node in the current iteration.

For more information, see ifIsFirstIteration .


Includes its body if the current node is the last node in the current iteration.

For more information, see ifHasMoreIterations .


Includes its body if the current node is not the node that defines the highlighted/selected path in the navigation iViews.

For more information, see ifNavNodeEqualsContextNavNode .


Includes its body if the current node is not the node that was launched during the most recent navigation.

For more information, see ifNavNodeEqualsLaunchedNavNode .


Includes its body if the current node is not the node that was selected by the user.

For more information, see ifNavNodeEqualsSelectedNavNode .


Includes its body if the current node has no children nodes.

For more information, see ifNavNodeHasChildren .


Includes its body if the current node is not a folder.

For more information, see ifNavNodeIsFolder .


Includes its body if the current node has no related navigation nodes ( Related Links ).

For more information, see ifNavNodeHasChildren .


Includes its body if the current node is not in the selected path.

For more information, see ifNavNodeInSelectedPath


Includes its body if the current node is not an iView.

For more information, see ifNavNodeIsIView .


Includes its body if the current node is not a launchable folder.

For more information, see ifNavNodeIsLaunchableFolder .


Includes its body if the current node is not a page.

For more information, see ifNavNodeIsPage .


Includes its body if the current node is not of the type specified by the equals attribute.

For more information, see ifNavNodeVisualizationType .