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Quick LinksLocate this document in the navigation structure


The portal enables users to navigate to a specific node by entering the portal's base address followed by a short string, or quick link.

For nodes defined by the roles connector, a portal administrator can assign quick links to a node by setting the Quick Link property of the iView or page associated with the node.

For nodes defined by a custom navigation connector, the connector must implement the method getNodeByQuickLink() , which determines what node to return for a specific quick link. For example, you can keep a Map of quick link strings and its corresponding node.

The following is the signature for getNodeByQuickLink() :

            public NamingEnumeration getNodeByQuickLink(
            Hashtable environment, String quickLink);

Quick links must be composed of only URI unreserved characters, which are letters, digits, hyphen ( - ), period ( . ), underscore ( _ ) and tilde ( ~ ).