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A portal component's mode determines which method is called during content creation.

If no mode is specified, the component is rendered in the default mode, which causes the component's doContent() method to be called. For any other mode named XXX , the component's doXxx method is called.

For example, in help mode, the doHelp() method is called instead of doContent() .

For a component or for all components, you can designate a delegate component for handling any request for a specific mode. For more information, see Delegation .

How the Mode is Set

The mode can be set in the following ways:

  • Request URL: The request URL may contain a parameter named prtmode whose value is the mode.

  • Manually During POM Creation: During the creation of the POM, you can set the mode of a specific node with the setNodeMode() method of the INode interface.

AbstractPortalComponent implements the methods for some of the built-in modes, such as edit and help mode (with doEdit() and doHelp() methods), but does not implement doContent() for the default mode. You must implement this mode.