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JSP as Standalone ResourceLocate this document in the navigation structure


To execute a JSP file within a component and include the output in the output of a component, specify the JSP page in the include() method of the portal request object.

The following shows how to include the output from a JSP page contained in the same application as the calling component:

            public class CheckBoxComponent extends AbstractPortalComponent {
    public void doContent(
        IPortalComponentRequest request,
        IPortalComponentResponse response) {
        if (request!=null && response!=null) {
            IResource jspResource =
                request.getResource(IResource.JSP, "jsp/checkres.jsp");
            response.include(request, jspResource);


Above, the JSP page checkres.jsp in the directory /PORTAL-INF/jsp is executed.

The following shows how to include a JSP page that is packaged in a different application:

            IResource jspResource =
                "JSPValidation", IResource.JSP, "/jsp/include/checkres.jsp");
            response.include(request, jspResource);

Above, the JSP page checkres.jsp in the directory /PORTAL-INF/jsp/include of the application JSPValidation is executed.