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Managing ContentLocate this document in the navigation structure


As a content manager, you manage folder structures and the documents that they contain. You provide an environment in which authors create documents and make sure that users can find information.


Knowledge Management has already been configured.

You are assigned to the Content Manager portal role and have access permission for folders and documents.

In addition, service permissions are necessary for some of the functions. For more information, see the documentation on the function in question.


Below is an overview of the tasks that you perform as a content manager in Knowledge Management:



Providing shared access to departmental documents

You create folders in which authors create information and you define the permissions for these folders. You create templates or forms with which authors can work and you configure settings for publishing information in the portal.

For more information, see Providing Shared Access to Departmental Documents .

Publishing information with XML forms

You create forms that authors can use to publish information such as news items in the portal.

For more information, see Publishing Information with XML Forms .

Creating and changing documents

You can upload documents from your local PC to KM folders or enter information online in the portal.

For more information, see Creating and Changing Documents .

Making information available

You support portal users in finding information through various means, for example, taxonomies, search results lists, subscriptions, and folder structures.

For more information, see Making Information Available .