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Initial Content for Content ManagersLocate this document in the navigation structure


SAP Enterprise Portal offers initial content for the Content Manager role. Your entire range of portal content depends on the roles to which your portal administrator assigned you.

You access the KM content for content managers from the top-level navigation bar by choosing Content Management .



iView Description



Content managers manage link lists and public documents in this iView.

For more information, see Managing Link Lists and Providing Shared Access to Departmental Documents .


For creating taxonomy folders (semantic structure).

For more information, see Taxonomy Explorer .


For creating news items to be displayed at Start of the navigation path Home Next navigation step Company  Next navigation step News End of the navigation path.

For more information, see News Authoring .

Layout Examples

Examples of KM navigation iViews with different layout sets.

Use this iView for analysis purposes. The iViews are all based on the template KM Navigation iView and differ in that they each have different layout sets assigned to them in the layout properties.



Provides an overview of unclassified documents (documents that were not assigned to a category when automatic classification took place). You can classify documents from the worklist into the categories of a taxonomy.

For more information, see Classification Inbox .


See above.

Taxonomy Trainer

For carrying out the initial training of example-based taxonomies.

For more information, see Taxonomy Trainer .

Taxonomy Query Builder

Creates search queries for categories in a query-based taxonomy

For more information, see Taxonomy Query Builder .


You can use this iView to model properties.

For more information, see Predefined Properties .

Content Exchange


For creating and managing subscriptions for receiving content using the ICE protocol.

For more information, see Subscriber Tasks .


For creating and managing offers and managing subscriptions for distributing content using the ICE protocol.

For more information, see Syndicator Tasks .

Package Upload

For importing an offline package.

For more information, see Importing an Offline Package .

Quick Poll Administration

Quick Poll Administration

Allows you to create, start, end, and delete polls.

For more information, see Managing Polls .

Quick Poll

Allows you to display current polls. You can personalize the iView to select a campaign.

Forms Builder

XML Forms Builder

For creating and managing XML forms.

For more information, see XML Forms Builder .



Allows you to execute reports on the content of KM repositories to find invalid or inconsistent data and to clean up any such data found.

For more information, see Content Management Reports .

Running Reports

Displays an overview of all running reports, regardless of the type of report.