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Transport ConsoleLocate this document in the navigation structure


The transport console is a command line tool you can use for working with the Change and Transport System (CTS).

In this way, the console allows you to perform tasks related to handing over files provided by an application to CTS transport mechanisms in a shell-oriented environment. This command line tool is an alternative to using the Transport Organizer UI of CTS.

To get the transport console you have to:

  1. Get the DICLIENTS SCA from SAP Service Marketplace (Downloads area, enter DICLIENTS as the search term).

  2. Open the file tc~di~cmd_tools~sda.sda (deploy archives) from the SCA.

  3. Extract the file from the SDA. The ZIP file can be copied to other machines as well.

  4. Extract the ZIP file. Open the transportconsole folder and have a look at the readme.txt file to check which environment variables should be set and for further information about using the tool.


  • SAP Java Connector with the minimum version 3.0 must be installed. For more information, see SAP Note 1077727.

  • Sun Microsystems JDK with the minimum version 1.5 must be installed.

Starting the Tool

To start the transport console, use the transportconsole.bat (Windows OS) or (Unix/Linux OS).

Most of the commands require that a connection to a CTS communication system already exists. Use the connect command to connect to a transport server.


You can use the help command to display an overview of the existing commands. To obtain information about a specific command, enter help <command name> . This will show the command syntax and a short description of the command.

You can create a printout with the full list of the commands and their parameters, arguments and examples of their usage using the command help -x <location to export the commands>\TranspConsole.doc .

Spooling Log Messages

By default, the command line tool writes user messages directly to the console. In some cases you may need to redirect the location in which the information for the error messages is logged. You can redirect these user messages to a file using the spool command.

For example, to start spooling to the file c:\temp\spool.txt , use the command as follows:

spool c:\ temp \spool.txt

Note that if such a file already exists, it will be overwritten.

Printing technical messages

Besides user messages there are also technical messages, that is, stack traces. Stack traces are useful in case of problems or errors. To enable writing technical messages to the console, use the verbose command.


There is a distinction between options and arguments used in the commands. Options have a name and value, whereas arguments have only a value, that is, the options are named arguments. Therefore, the order of options in a command is free, whereas the order of arguments is predefined by the command syntax. The names are case-sensitive.

Many commands allow using either a long or a short option name.

List of Commands

Command Name



Adds file to a request. If no RequestID is specified, the default request is used.


Adds file to a request using XML. If no RequestID is specified, the default request is used.


Creates a new session and connects to the given transport server. If the logon group is not specified, PUBLIC will be used by default.


Executes the specified OS command in a separate process.


Exits the application.


Show all requests of the node.


Provides help for commands.


Runs a set of commands from a (script) file.


Send the specified request. If no ID is specified, the default request is sent.


Manages users sessions.


Set Node on which next commands are called on.


Writes the trace to specified trace file.


Provides common options or arguments for the application startup.


Activates or deactivates commands execution time reporting.


Starts or stops performance tracing of this application for a specified profile.


List currently defined variables, or clears variables, or sets the variable value.


Enables logging of exception stack traces to the console.