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EXPORT / EXPLocate this document in the navigation structure


Exports the content of an activity, a propagation list or a workspace to a file. The file created with the export command can then be used by the IMPORT command to import the exported object into another DTR instance.


This command requires the read and export privileges on the object being exported. The export and admin privileges are also contained in the admin privilege.



EXPORT <url> [-f "fileName"] [-m "exportMode"] [-r "targetRepositoryId"]



The absolute remote path of the resource to be exported.


In order to export an activity named 'testActivity' , the URL specified should be ' /act/testActivity'

[-f "fileName"]

Name of the file in which the contents of the export will be stored. In case this option is not specified, the content is written to the standard output. If a directory is specified instead of a file, then a file with the name export_<resourceID>.pgn iscreated.

[-m "exportMode"]

The export mode to be used. You can use the following export modes:

Use the number given in the brackets for specifying the export mode.

  • Normal (1)

    This is the default export mode. Exports the contents of the given activity, propagation list or snapshot. Cannot be used for workspace resources.

  • With history (2)

    Exports the contents of all versions of all objects of the given propagation list or workspace. In the case of workspaces, it exports all the activities and propagation lists that were integrated into this workspace. Cannot be used for activities and snapshots.

  • With history, Including snapshots (4)

    Same as With history (2) , but includes all snapshots that were integrated into the workspace. Cannot be used for activities, propagation lists and snapshots.

  • Relocate workspace (8)

    Transfers the ownership of the workspace to another repository and then performs the export in mode With history (2) . Cannot be used for activities, propagation lists and snapshots.

  • Relocate workspace, including snapshots (12)

    Transfers the ownership of the workspace to another repository and then performs the export in mode With history, Including snapshots (4) . Cannot be used for activities, propagation lists and snapshots.

[-r "targetRepositoryId"]

In case the export mode is Relocate workspace (8) or Relocate workspace, including snapshots (12) then this option specifies the repository ID of the repository to which the workspace needs to be relocated.


Exports the contents of activities, workspaces, propagation lists and snapshots.


Exporting an Activity to a Specific File

To export the activity named a1 to the file c:\temp\a1export , execute:

export /act/a1 -f c:\temp\a1export

The -f option specifies the filename. The export command expects its argument to be an absolute remote path of the object being exported.

Exporting a Propagation List to a Specific File

To export the propagation list named p1 to the file c:\temp\p1export , execute:

export /prop/p1 -f c:\temp\p1export

Exporting a Workspace to a Specific File

To export the workspace whose absolute remote path is /ws/test/w1 to the file c:\temp\w1export , execute:

export /ws/test/w1 -f c:\temp\w1export