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ACTIVITY / ACTLocate this document in the navigation structure


This command is used for:

  • Displaying the properties of an activity

  • Setting the display name and the description of an activity

  • Uploading resources edited by the activity

  • Downloading resources edited by the activity

  • Unchecking-out the resources that are checked out in an activity.



ACTIVITY <-a activityName> [-dn] <-i isn> [-w " workspace Path" ] [-u] [-f] [-d] [-x] [-e] [-s] [-d] [-c description] [-n displayName]


<-a activityName>

The name of the activity.


Specifies whether the name of the activity given is the display name and not the actual name.

<-i isn>

The Integration Sequence Number (ISN) of the activity can be specified in case a closed activity has to be described.

[-w " workspace Path" ]

Workspace path to specify the workspace under which the activity exists.

If the workspace is not specified, an attempt will be made to resolve the workspace from the current working directory or the folder item being worked on. If it is not possible then the user will be notified.

In the case of describing the activity if the workspace is specified as a complete URL in the format -w URL:http://........ and the activity ISN is specified, then no calls will be made to VFS and hence better performance can be expected when not used in shell mode.


Specifies that the files checked out in the activity have to be uploaded.


In case of options -u/-d this argument specifies that upload/download has to be performed even if not required.


Specifies that the activity has to be edited.


Specifies that the files checked out in the activity have to be downloaded.


Will suppress the popup window for changing activity description and display name.


In case of option - u , specifies that the files checked out in the activity that have not been changed have to be reverted.

[-c description]

If in non-UI mode, this will be used to set the description of the activity.

[ -n displayname ]

To specify the display name of activity.


Specifies that the activity has to be deleted. Activity has to be empty.


Specifies that the files checked out in the activity have to be reverted.


This command allows you to describe, edit, upload, or uncheckout an activity.

It also allows the creation and deletion of an activity.


Displaying an Activity

To display the description of an activity A1 , execute:

act -a A1

Changing the Description of an Activity

You can perform this action with or without a dialog window.

With Dialog

To change the description of the activity A1 in a dialog, execute:

act -a A1 -e

The -e option specifies that we want to edit the activity. When the command is executed, a dialog window appears where the user can enter the activity display name and the description of the activity.

Without Dialog

To specify the description and the display name of the activity in the command line without the dialog window, enter the command as follows:

act -a A1 -e -s -n "new display name of A1" -c "new description of A1"

Uploading All Resources being Edited in a Specific Activity

To upload all resources that are being edited in activity A1 , execute:

act -a A1 -u

The -u option specifies that we want to upload the resources. This will not necessarily upload all the resources from activity A1 , only those that were modified since their last upload. You can also use the -f option to enforce an upload of all resources even though they may not have been modified since their last upload.

Downloading All Resources being Edited in a Specific Activity

To download all resources that are being edited in activity A1 , execute:

act -a A1 -d

The -d option specifies that we want to download the resources. This option can be useful when, for example, a user has worked on one machine creating activity A1 and made some changes in this activity and then used the -u option to upload the changes to the server. If, after that, the user is supposed to continue his or her work from another machine, the user can use the -d option to download these changes to this machine.

Reverting All Changes Done in a Particular Activity

To uncheck out (revert) all changes done in activity A1 , execute:

act -a A1 -U

The -U option specifies that we want to uncheck out all the resources that are checked out in activity A1. The activity itself is not deleted.