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Working with the Software Component Table in a TrackLocate this document in the navigation structure


A track is used as a container for the development of software components (SCs) and defines the environment for the lifecycle management of these SCs.

This means that the software component table is central to the track configuration. Change Management Service (CMS) displays the software components and their dependencies in a hierarchical table. This type of table gives you various ways to display the software components:

Filter for the Software Component Table

You can use the following filter options to customize the display of the SCs configured in your track:

  • Developed Software Components This filter shows the SCs that are being developed in your track. When you expand an SC, you see the SCs on which it has a direct dependency.

  • Required Software Components This filter shows the SCs configured as prerequisite SCs in your track. Required SCs can be included in the track configuration in one of two ways.

    1. The SC is included automatically in the track configuration as a required SC because it has a dependency on a developed SC.

    2. You have added a required SC manually by using the Add SC... function.

  • All Software Components This filter shows all SCs configured in the track in a flat list in the table. Each software component appears only once, regardless of how many dependencies it is involved in.


    The hierarchical display of the dependency relationships shows only direct dependencies. Recursive dependencies (for example, SC A uses SC B and SC B uses SC C ) are not shown. However, SC C may be displayed in the table if All SCs is selected, even though it does not have a direct dependency on a developed SC.

The Developed Software Components filter is set by default. To display the filter, choose Filter in the toolbar of the SC table.


You can use the filter options only in a development track. Exchange Infrastructure (XI) implements only "SCs to be developed", which is why there are no filter options in an XI track.

Functions in the Software Component Table

  • Add SC... Opens a dialog box in which you can add software components to the track configuration as developed SCs or required SCs.

  • Delete Deletes the selected SC from the track configuration. The hierarchical table detects automatically whether you are deleting an SC at the top level or deleting a dependency definition. Accordingly, the deletion applies only to the selected dependency or to the whole track configuration.

  • Edit dependencies between software components ( Define Dependencies... ) Opens a dialog box in which you can define dependencies between SCs. You can use this function only in a development track.

  • Filter Displays or hides the filter settings for the table.

  • Exclude all SCs from the deployment ( Exclude All ) Selects the Exclude from Deployment checkbox for all displayed SCs. You can also select this checkbox for individual SCs. You can use this function only in a development track.

  • Include all SCs in the deployment ( Include All ) Deselects the Exclude from Deployment checkbox for all displayed SCs. You can change this checkbox setting for individual SCs. You can use this function only in a development track.

  • Download to Excel Exports the content of the displayed list to an Excel file. This function exports only the top hierarchy level.

  • Load the software component configuration ( Load SC Configuration... ) Loads the configuration of a software component from a software component archive (SCA) in the CMS inbox directory of the transport directory.