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Search and Classification TREXLocate this document in the navigation structure


The SAP NetWeaver standalone engine Search and Classification TREX provides SAP applications with numerous services for searching, classification, and text-mining in large collections of documents (unstructured data) as well as for searching in and aggregating across business objects (structured data). As a back-end engine, TREX provides search application such as SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search and search services such as Search Engine Service and Embedded Search with indexing and search technologies. TREX as an SAP NetWeaverstandalone engine is a significant part of most search features in SAP applications. TREX cannot be licensed as a separate product.


Some SAP applications that are not listed here, such as the Knowledge Management feature in the SAP NetWeaver Portal or SAP ERP HCM (Human Capital Management), use TREX for their specific purposes and other purposes outside of the context described here.

TREX as Part of the SAP NetWeaver Search Technologies


For more information about using TREX as SAP NetWeaver BI Accelerator, visit the SAP Community Network (SDN) at

Documentation Structure

Applications based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0 or SAP NetWeaver 7.3 can use TREX 7.0 or TREX 7.1.

There are differences in the functions in TREX 7.0 and TREX 7.1, therefore there are separate sets of documentation depending on the TREX version used: