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 IF_WD_CONTEXT_MENU_MANAGERLocate this document in the navigation structure

Interface IF_WD_CONTEXT_MENU_MANAGER manages all context menus that were created dynamically or in the design time. In the context menu manager you can also change existing context menus.



The context menu that the Web Dynpro ABAP Framework was able to determine for the right-click from things declared statically.



This method add a context menu created dynamically with method CL_WD_MENU=>NEW_MENU to the UI elements.

The only parameter (importing) here is MENU of type CL_WD_MENU.


Method to delete a context menu.

The only parameter (importing) here is ID of type string.


Method to return a context menu.

This method has the ID (type string) import parameter. The menu displayed is returned using MENU (type CL_WD_MENU). If there is no context menu, a null pointer is returned.


This method clears the current context menu that the Web Dynpro ABAP Framework has determined from the statically declared part.