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SQL Statements for the HOTEL Demo SchemaLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can use the following SQL statements to generate a series of simply structured tables and their contents in the HOTEL demo schema. You can then use this schema data to work through all the examples in this SQL Tutorial.


Create the database administrator MONA and log on to the DEMODB database as MONA with a suitable tool (see: Demo Data for the SQL Tutorial). Enter the following SQL statements:








name CHAR (30) NOT NULL,

state CHAR(2) NOT NULL)




title CHAR(7),

firstname CHAR (20) ,

name CHAR (40) NOT NULL,

zip CHAR(5),

address CHAR(40) NOT NULL)




name CHAR (50) NOT NULL,

zip CHAR(5),

address CHAR(40) NOT NULL)



(hno FIXED(4),

type CHAR(6), PRIMARY KEY (hno,type),

free FIXED(3,0),

price FIXED(6,2))


CREATE TABLE reservation


cno FIXED(4),

hno FIXED(4),

type CHAR(6),

arrival DATE NOT NULL,

departure DATE NOT NULL)



// TABLE city (25 Rows)



INSERT INTO city VALUES ('12203','Albany','NY')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('60601','Chicago','IL')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('60615','Chicago','IL')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('45211','Cincinnati','OH')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('33575','Clearwater','FL')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('75243','Dallas','TX')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('32018','Daytona Beach','FL')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('33441','Deerfield Beach','FL')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('48226','Detroit','MI')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('90029','Hollywood','CA')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('92714','Irvine','CA')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('90804','Long Beach','CA')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('11788','Long Island','NY')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('90018','Los Angeles','CA')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('70112','New Orleans','LA')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('10580','New York','NY')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('10019','New York','NY')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('92262','Palm Springs','CA')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('97213','Portland','OR')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('60018','Rosemont','IL')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('95054','Santa Clara','CA')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('20903','Silver Spring','MD')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('20037','Seattle','WA')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('20005','Seattle','WA')


INSERT INTO city VALUES ('20019','Seattle','WA')


//TABLE customer (15 rows)



INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3000,'Mrs','Jenny','Porter','10580','1340 N. Ash Street, #3')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3100,'Mr','Peter','Brown','48226','1001 34th St., APT.3')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3200,'Company',NULL,'Datasoft','90018','486 Maple St.')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3300,'Mrs','Rose','Brian','75243','500 Yellowstone Drive, #2')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3400,'Mrs','Mary','Griffith','20005','3401 Elder Lane')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3500,'Mr','Martin','Randolph','60615','340 MAIN STREET, #7')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3600,'Mrs','Sally','Smith','75243','250 Curtis Street')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3700,'Mr','Mike','Jackson','45211','133 BROADWAY APT. 1')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3800,'Mrs','Rita','Doe','97213','2000 Humboldt St., #6')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3900,'Mr','George','Howe','75243','111 B Parkway, #23')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (4000,'Mr','Frank','Miller','95054','27 5th St., 76')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (4100,'Mrs','Susan','Baker','90018','200 MAIN STREET, #94')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (4200,'Mr','Joseph','Peters','92714','700 S. Ash St., APT.12')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (4300,'Company',NULL,'TOOLware','20019','410 Mariposa St., #10')


INSERT INTO customer VALUES (4400,'Mr','Antony','Jenkins','20903','55 A Parkway, #15')



//TABLE hotel (15 rows)




INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (10,'Congress','20005','155 Beechwood St.')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (30,'Regency','20037','477 17th Avenue')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (20,'Long Island','11788','1499 Grove Street')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (70,'Empire State','12203','65 Yellowstone Dr.')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (80,'Midtown','10019','12 Barnard St.')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (40,'Eighth Avenue','10019','112 8th Avenue')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (50,'Lake Michigan','60601','354 OAK Terrace')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (60,'Airport','60018','650 C Parkway')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (90,'Sunshine','33575','200 Yellowstone Dr.')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (100,'Beach','32018','1980 34th St.')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (110,'Atlantic','33441','111 78th St.')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (120,'Long Beach','90804','35 Broadway')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (150,'Indian Horse','92262','16 MAIN STREET')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (130,'Star','90029','13 Beechwood Place')


INSERT INTO hotel VALUES (140,'River Boat','70112','788 MAIN STREET')



//TABLE room (38 rows)




INSERT INTO room VALUES (10,'single',20,135.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (10,'double',45,200.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (30,'single',12,45.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (30,'double',15,80.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (20,'single',10,70.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (20,'double',13,100.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (70,'single',4,115.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (70,'double',11,180.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (80,'single',15,90.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (80,'double',19,150.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (80,'suite',5,400.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (40,'single',20,85.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (40,'double',35,140.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (50,'single',50,105.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (50,'double',230,180.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (50,'suite',12,500.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (60,'single',10,120.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (60,'double',39,200.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (60,'suite',20,500.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (90,'single',45,90.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (90,'double',145,150.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (90,'suite',60,300.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (100,'single',11,60.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (100,'double',24,100.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (110,'single',2,70.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (110,'double',10,130.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (120,'single',34,80.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (120,'double',78,140.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (120,'suite',55,350.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (150,'single',44,100.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (150,'double',115,190.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (150,'suite',6,450.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (130,'single',89,160.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (130,'double',300,270.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (130,'suite',100,700.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (140,'single',10,125.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (140,'double',9,200.00)


INSERT INTO room VALUES (140,'suite',78,600.00)



//TABLE reservation (10 rows)




INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (100,3000,80,'single','2004-11-13','2004-11-15')


INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (110,3000,100,'double','2004-12-24','2005-01-06')


INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (120,3200,50,'suite','2004-11-14','2004-11-18')


INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (130,3900,110,'single','2005-02-01','2005-02-03')


INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (150,3600,70,'double','2005-03-14','2005-03-24')


INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (140,4300,80,'double','2004-04-12','2004-04-30')


INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (160,4100,70,'single','2004-04-12','2004-04-15')


INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (170,4400,150,'suite','2004-09-01','2004-09-03')


INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (180,3100,120,'double','2004-12-23','2005-01-08')


INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (190,4300,140,'double','2004-11-14','2004-11-17')




If you load the complete set of demo data with the Installation Manager or the Database Studio, the tables are created with much more extensive definitions and a partly larger number of data records and additional objects (e.g. views, indexes, etc.) are generated. You can use this demo data as well. However, the result set specified for an example statement in this SQL tutorial may differ from the result set you receive for the complete set of demo data.