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View Controller Interface ReferenceLocate this document in the navigation structure


API Overview

IPrivate API


Predefined Methods

IWDAction wdCreateAction(
  WDActionEventHandler eventHandler, String text);

Creates a new action for this view controller. The parameter eventHandler is the action's event handler with an appropriate signature. The parameter text is the text displayed in the UI element triggering this action.


IWDAction wdCreateNamedAction(
  WDActionEventHandler eventHandler, String name, String text);

Creates a new named action for this view controller. The parameter eventHandler is the action's event handler with an appropriate signature. The parameter text is the text displayed in the UI element triggering this action. The parameter name is the action's name.


Additional Methods based on Declaration

void wdFirePlug<outbound plug name>([parameter {“,” parameter}])

Fires outbound plug.


IWDAction wdGet<action name>Action();

Gets action object for a defined action.


Event Handlers based on Declaration


public void onAction<action name>( IWDCustomEvent wdEvent 
  [“,” parameter {“,” parameter}])

Action event handler.  Additional action parameters can be declared.


public void onPlug<inbound plug name>( IWDCustomEvent wdEvent 
  [“,” parameter {“,” parameter}])

Inbound plug event handler.  Additional event parameters can be declared. See controller class reference. 


Enumeration of all available Action Event Handlers

public final class WDActionEventHandler.<ACTION NAME>

Constant for a defined action event handler. Used to dynamically create new action objects at runtime.


Additional Constants based on Declaration

public static IWDEventHandlerId 

Action event handler constant.


public static IWDEventHandlerId 

Inbound plug event handler constant.


Generic Controller API



public interface IWDViewController extends IWDController

Access within controller class:

Use the shortcut variable wdControllerAPI to invoke the generic view controller API within your view controller code.