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A network is the graphical or tabular representation of flows and their dependencies.

The network UI element allows you to include a JNet applet that offers the user a large number of interactive options.

The network data and display are defined by an xml file that needs to be provided in the context and then bound to the context using data binding in the dataSource property.

More information about the structure of the XML: JNet/JGantt Developer DocumentationInformation published on SAP site

  • dataSource

    Determines the data source of the network. This allows you to specify the path to the context attribute that provides the data.

  • height

    Determines the height of the Network element, which you can specify in relative CSS units like em or ex.

  • layout

    Specifies the appearance of the network. layout is of the enumeration type WDNetworkLayout and can take the following values:

    • standard
    • yworks determines a special display using a wrapper of yFiles.
  • width

    Determines the width of the Network element, which you can specify in relative CSS units like em, ex, or percentage.

Properties Overview
Name Interface Type Initial Value Bindable




































  • onCustomCommand (String chart, String component, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if an application-specific command is called either by the user or by an external controller. 

  • onEdgeAdded(String chart, String component, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if an edge is added to a node but does not link to another node.

  • onEdgeRemoved(String chart, String component, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if an edge is removed from a node.

  • onEdgePropsChanged(String chart, String edge, String graph, String parameters)

    Executed if the edge properties are changed. This applies only for those properties that affect the appearance of the edges; changes to the source or target of a link trigger the events onLinkAdded and onLinkRemoved.

  • onEdgeSelected(String chart, String edge, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if an edge is clicked.

  • onFrameSwitched(String chart, String component, String graph, String parameters)
  • onGeneric(String chart, String component, String graph, String name, String parameters)

    Allows the inclusion of user-defined events.

  • onGraphAdded(String chart, String graph, String parameters, String subGraph)

    Triggered if a sub-graph is added to the network.

  • onGraphRemoved(String chart, String graph, String parameters, String subGraph)

    Triggered if a sub-graph is removed.

  • onInitialized(String chart, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if the JNet - the init method of the applet - is triggered.

  • onLayoutChanged(String chart, String graph, String node, String parameters)

    Triggered if the position of a node changes.

  • onLinkAdded(String chart, String graph, String link, String parameters)

    Triggered if a link is added to the network, that is, an edge is connected to a node. 

  • onLinkChanged(String chart, String component, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if the target node of a link has changed.

  • onLinkRemoved (String chart, String graph, String link, String parameters)

    Triggered if a link is removed from the network, that is, the connection is split without removing the edge.

  • onModelAdded(String chart, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if the entire model is replaced.

  • onModelDirty(String chart, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if the current model is changed, and the status is set todirty. dirty means that an event is triggered after which the network no longer corresponds to the specification of the server application.

  • onModelExtracted(String chart, String graph, String newGraph, String parameters)

    Triggered if a new model is extracted from the current model. This can happen if the user performs a graph analysis in order to filter a particular subset of the model. The new model is displayed in a new frame whose ID can be used as the target ID for commands to the new graph.

  • onModelSaved(String chart, String graph, String parameters, String reply)

    Triggered if the current model is saved.

  • onNodeAdded(String chart, String graph, String node, String parameters)

    Triggered if a node is added to the Network.

  • onNodeDoubleClicked(String chart, String graph, String node, String parameters, String subComponents)

    Triggered if a node is double-clicked.

  • onNodePropsChanged (String chart, String graph, String node, String parameters)

    Triggered if the properties of a node are changed. This does not apply to the node position. If the node position is changed, event onLayoutChanged is triggered.

  • onNodeRemoved(String chart, String graph, String node, String parameters)

    Triggered if a node is removed.

  • onNodeSelected(String chart, String graph, String node, String parameters, String subComponents)

    Triggered if a node is selected.

  • onRectangleSelected(String chart, String component, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if the user creates a rectangle in the background of the character area.

  • onSelectionChanged(String chart, String component, String graph, String parameters)

    Triggered if an exception is changed, that is, if one is selected, or a selection is removed.

  • onTraceLevelChanged(String chart, String graph, String level, String parameters)

    Triggered if the trace level of JNet has been changed.