Alert Monitor
Concept of the Monitoring Architecture
Technical Basics: Data Supplier
Monitoring Objects and Attributes
MTE Classes and Attribute Groups
Operating the Alert Monitor
Tutorial for the Alert Monitor
Start and Change Monitors
Actions in the Alert Monitoring Tree
Selecting Nodes in the Alert Monitoring Tree
Elements of the Alert Monitor
Monitor Sets
Alert Monitoring Tree
Elements of the Alert Monitoring Tree
Properties of Monitoring Objects and Attributes
General Properties of Monitoring Tree Elements
Properties of Log Attributes
Properties of Performance Attributes
Properties of Status Attributes
Display Types and Views of the Alert Monitor
Changing Views: Current Status/Open Alerts
Alert Browser: Processing Alerts
Displaying Detail Data and Tailoring the Display
Detailed Display of Log Attributes
Displaying Performance Data Graphically in the Alert Monitor
Displaying Technical Views of the Alert Monitor
Displaying the Technical View: Info on MTE
Displaying the Technical View: Method Allocation
Displaying the Technical View: Status Data Collector
Displaying the Technical View: Status Autoreaction
Displaying the Technical View: Threshold Values
Displaying the Technical View: Central Performance History
Processing Alerts
Starting Methods
Completing Alerts
Automatically Complete Alerts
Display Completed Alerts
Reorganizing Completed Alerts
Resetting MTEs and Alerts
Customizing the Alert Monitor
Changing Properties and Method Assignments
Changing Properties in the Alert Monitoring Tree
Changing Properties in Customizing Transaction RZ21
Triggering a Heartbeat Alert if No Values Are Reported
Changing the Frequency of Method Execution
Defining, Releasing, and Transporting Methods
Assigning Methods to MTE Classes or Individual MTEs
Editing Monitors and Monitor Sets
Creating and Editing Monitor Sets
Transporting Monitor Sets and Monitor Definitions
Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Monitors
Creating and Changing Monitors
Rule Node: Rule Description and Use
Defining Monitors with the DEFINE_R3_SYSTEMS/GET_MTE_BY_CLASS Rules
Defining Monitors with the Rule GET_MTE_BY_CLASS_AND_OPTIONS
Defining Monitors with the Rule GET_MTE_BY_CLASS_AS_VIRTUAL
Monitoring Properties Variants
Copying a Monitoring Properties Variant
Create Monitoring Properties Variant
Change Monitoring Properties Variant
Activating a Monitoring Properties Variant
Creating a New SAP-DEFAULT Variant
Registering SAP NetWeaver Components and Hosts in CEN
Creating the CSMREG User
Monitoring multiple systems with identical system IDs
System Groups in the Alert Monitor
Maintaining System Groups
Deactivating and Reactivating Monitoring Tree Elements
Deleting and Restoring Nodes in the Alert Monitoring Tree
Display Options of the Alert Monitor
Saving and Resetting the Layout of a Monitor
Extending the Shared Memory Area
Setting Up a Central Data Cache
Configuring the Caches of the Monitoring Architecture
Working with All-Clears (Green Alerts)
Configuring Central Monitoring of Syslog Messages
Best Procedure for Central Monitoring with CCMS
Consistency Check of the CCMS Monitoring Infrastructure
Performing a CCMS Consistency Check
Displaying the Results of the CCMS Consistency Check
Restricting the CCMS Consistency Check to Specific Topics
Checking and Distributing Settings for Selected MTEs and Monitors
Troubleshooting and Distributing Settings of the Consistency Check
Central Performance History of the Monitoring Architecture
Tutorial for Operating the Central Performance History
Tutorial for the Central Performance History (Beginners)
Tutorial for the Central Performance History (Advanced)
Tutorial for the Central Performance History (Experts)
Configuring the Central Performance History
Maintaining Collection and Reorganization Schemata (Standard Setting)
Maintaining Collection and Reorganization Schemata (Expert Setting)
Assigning Collection and Reorganization Schemata to Performance Values
Updating and Reinitializing Assignments
Creating and Editing a Day Schema
Creating and Editing a Calendar Schema
Activating the Central Performance History
Changing Extended Settings of the Central Performance History
Reporting with the Central Performance History
Creating a Report Definition
Variables in Group Names
Scheduling and Executing a Report
Displaying Report Properties
Displaying Central Performance History Reports
The Delivered Settings of the Central Performance History
Delivered Collection and Reorganization Schemata
Delivered Assignments of the Collection/Reorganization Schemata
Delivered Report Definitions
Using the Central Performance History from the Alert Monitor
Central Performance History Reporting in the Alert Monitor
Configuring the Central Performance History in the Alert Monitor
Displaying the Technical View: Central Performance History
Displaying the Contents of the Central Performance History
Self-Monitoring of the Central Performance History
Central Performance History Concept
Collection and Reorganization Schema
Day Schema
Calendar Schema
Collecting and Reorganizing Performance Values
Central Performance History Reports
Technical Infrastructure of the Alert Monitor
Technical Topology of the Monitoring Architecture
Calling the Technical Topology Display
Monitoring Systems in the Topology Display
Monitoring Segments in the Topology Display
Monitoring Contexts in the Topology Display
Monitoring Agents in the Topology Display
Reset Segment to WARMUP Status
Registering SAP NetWeaver Components and Hosts in CEN
Creating the CSMREG User
Monitoring multiple systems with identical system IDs
Activating and Deactivating Method Execution
The CCMS System Component Repository
Displaying Information from the Repository
Filling and Updating the Repository
Checking the Repository for Processing Errors
Creating a Central Repository
Role of a System Component Repository
Update Repositories
Updating the Central Repository
Updating a Local Repository
Requesting an Update of a Repository
Creating the CSMREG User
System Groups in the Alert Monitor
Maintaining System Groups
Availability Monitoring with CCMSPING
Installing Availability Agent CCMSPING
Changing the Monitoring Frequency and Timeouts of CCMSPING
Adding Systems to the Availability Monitoring Manually
Finding and Correcting Errors with CCMSPING
Configuring Availability Monitoring
Creating and Changing Monitoring Rules
Changing Monitoring Setting of Servers and Groups
Using Multiple CCMSPING Agents
Creating and Deleting Monitoring Pauses
Monitoring System Groups with CCMSPING
Availability and Performance Overview Monitor
Predefined Monitors for the Alert Monitor
SAP CCMS Monitor Templates Monitor Set
Availability and Performance Overview Monitor
Background Processing Monitor
Background Job Monitoring Monitor
Buffers Monitor
Communications Monitor
Transactional RFC and Queued RFC Monitor
Database Monitor
Dialog Overview Monitor
Dialog per Application Server Monitor
Enqueue Monitor
Entire System Monitor
Filesystems Monitor
Operating System Monitor
Performance Overview Monitor
Security Monitor
Spool System Monitor
Syslog Monitor
System Configuration Monitor
System Errors Monitor
VM Container Monitor
Workload Collector Monitor
SAP CCMS Monitors for Optional Components Monitor Set
Transaction-Specific Dialog Monitor
Logon Load Balancing Monitor
Logfile Monitoring Monitor
SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitors Monitor Set
CCMS Selfmonitoring Monitor for System-Wide Data
CCMS Selfmonitoring Monitor for Instance-Specific Data
GRMG Self-Monitoring Monitor
Self-Monitoring Monitor for the XMW Interface
Selfmonitoring CCMS Agents Monitor
Method Dispatching Monitor
Remote Application Server Status Monitor
Monitor Set SAP J2EE Monitor Templates
Java Instance Overview Monitor
Special Monitoring Functions of the Alert Monitor
Sending Alerts Using SNMP Traps
Setting Up the Sending of SNMP Traps
Adjusting the Configuration File for Sending SNMP Traps
Adjusting the Configuration File for Receiving SNMP Traps
Testing the Correct Sending of SNMP Traps with rectraps
Availability Monitoring with CCMSPING
Installing Availability Agent CCMSPING
Changing the Monitoring Frequency and Timeouts of CCMSPING
Adding Systems to the Availability Monitoring Manually
Finding and Correcting Errors with CCMSPING
Configuring Availability Monitoring
Creating and Changing Monitoring Rules
Changing Monitoring Setting of Servers and Groups
Using Multiple CCMSPING Agents
Creating and Deleting Monitoring Pauses
Monitoring System Groups with CCMSPING
Creating a Connection to a Monitored System Using SAProuter
Adjusting Methods for Availability Monitoring with CCMSPING
Availability and Performance Overview Monitor
Availability Monitoring with CCMSPING Is Functioning Incorrectly
Monitoring qRFC and tRFC Calls
Transactional RFC and Queued RFC Monitor
Set Up Monitoring of qRFC Calls
qRFC Monitoring: Create Owner for Customizing
qRFC Monitoring: Creating Queue Groups
qRFC Monitoring: Creating Queue Assignments
qRFC Monitoring: Create Alert Value Shifts
Monitoring Jobs with the Alert Monitor
Setting Up the Monitoring of Jobs with the Alert Monitor
Background Job Monitoring Monitor
The Current Job when Monitoring a Job Chain
Central Monitoring of Files
Structure of the Log File Templates for Monitoring Files
Example Log File Templates
Logfile Monitoring Monitor
Monitoring Selected Processes with SAPOSCOL
Monitoring Response Times of Transactions or Clients
Monitoring Database Tables with the Alert Monitor
Self-Monitoring of the Alert Monitor
Creating a Data Supplier for the CCMS Alert Monitor
Elements of the CCMS Monitoring Infrastructure
Checklist for Implementation
Example Decision Table: Organizational Decisions
Decision Table: Monitoring Attributes for the Attribute Types
Data Supplier for the Users Currently Logged On
Data Supplier for Users Logged On: Decision Tables
Data Supplier for Users Logged On: Report RSDSUSER
Data Supplier for Users Logged On: Settings in RZ21
Selected Alert Monitor Methods
Forwarding Alerts to Alert Management (ALM)
Alert Management (ALM)
Configuring a Method for Forwarding Alerts to the ALM
Creating a Rule-Based Responsibility for Alerts
Example Configuration: Forwarding Alerts to the ALM
Displaying a Subtree as ALV Grid Control
Defining an Automatic Alert Notification
Auto-Reaction Method: Execute Operating System Command
Setting Up Central Auto-Reaction Methods
Monitoring with the Generic Request and Message Generator
GRMG Monitoring of SAP NetWeaver Components
Setting Up GRMG Monitoring of the SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse
Setting Up GRMG Monitoring of the Exchange Infrastructure
Setting Up GRMG Monitoring of the ICM
Activating and Customizing Monitoring with the GRMG
Loading a GRMG Customizing File into the Central Monitoring System
Adjusting a GRMG Customizing File
Starting GRMG Scenarios
Additional Settings for Availability Monitoring with the GRMG
Measuring the Runtime of Availability Monitoring with the GRMG
Transferring Logon and Connection Data with GRMG
Changing the Timeout for the HTTP Connection of the GRMG Request
Monitoring the Availability of Web Services with GRMG Lite
GRMG: Inserting the Monitored URL into the Alert Text
Executing GRMG Scenarios in the Background
Displaying the Availability Monitoring with the GRMG in the Alert Monitor
Creating a Rule-Based GRMG Monitor
GRMG Self-Monitoring Monitor
Monitoring the Availability of Web Pages with GRMG Lite
Monitoring the Availability of Web Services with GRMG Lite
GRMG: Instrumenting an Application
Principle of Creating a GRMG Application
Example Coding for a GRMG Application
Creating the Template for the Customizing File
Structure of the GRMG Request
Structure of the GRMG Response
Example Customizing File
Example GRMG Request
GRMG Scenario Tables
DTDs of the GRMG XML Documents
Current Improvements in the CCMS
Consistency Check of the CCMS Monitoring Infrastructure
Performing a CCMS Consistency Check
Displaying the Results of the CCMS Consistency Check
Restricting the CCMS Consistency Check to Specific Topics
Checking and Distributing Settings for Selected MTEs and Monitors
Troubleshooting and Distributing Settings of the Consistency Check
Configuring Central Monitoring of Syslog Messages
Administration of Monitoring Pauses in the Alert Monitor
Transferring Monitoring Pauses with CCMS Agents
Executing GRMG Scenarios in the Background
Monitoring the Availability of Web Services with GRMG Lite
Activating and Customizing Monitoring with the GRMG
Displaying the History of the Threshold Values of Performance Nodes
Best Procedure for Central Monitoring with CCMS