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Configuring the Log File LocationLocate this document in the navigation structure


By default, log information is written to the following location:

usr\sap\<System ID>\JC<instance ID>\j2ee\cluster\change\log\<cluster-nodeID>changes#.log

where # is the sequential number of the file, starting at zero.

You can also specify a custom log file location using the AS Java - Config Tool.

  1. Open the AS Java - Config Tool (<INSTANCE>\j2ee\configtool\configtool.bat) .

  2. Under Start of the navigation path template Next navigation step log configuration Next navigation step destinations End of the navigation path, add a new destination, and set the severity to Info .

  3. Under Start of the navigation path categories Next navigation step System Next navigation step Changes End of the navigation path, add the new destination to the custom configuration of the category.

  4. Save your changes and restart the portal.


To specify a custom log file location for a specific node, perform the previous procedure on the specific node, instead on of the template.