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 Additional Cartographical InformationLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can use this function to add additional cartographical information to the Web Item Map that you have integrated in your Web application. You can display relief and important geographical features such as rivers or cities.


Maps in a Web application are rendered by the Internet Graphics Server (IGS). The IGS allows you to display additional cartographical information. This information appears semi-transparently under the map levels in the Web application.

The additional cartographical information is read and interpreted from an AXL file (special ESRI XML format).  The AXL file and its referenced shape files must be stored on the IGS during runtime of the Web application. They are manually copied to the IGS.

The connection between the AXL file and the Web application is controlled using the AXL File Attributes (Cartography) (CART_AXL_NAME) and Cartography Functions On/Off (CART_AXL_VISIBLE) of the Web Item Map. However, these attributes can also be changed during runtime of the Web application using the Web API Reference.

  • ·         When defining AXL files, you above all need to think about which cartographical information is to be displayed. Very detailed information ought only be displayed upon request (a change to the AXL file at runtime) or should be displayed automatically at certain scaling levels (scaling-dependent definition of cartographical levels in the AXL file). This especially applies to cartographical content that could overlap with map level labels- leading to illegible results.
  • ·         You also need to make sure the colors used for the cartographical information coincide with the actual map levels from your Web application. Depending on the map levels/data set, the cartographical information may have different colors. Depending on the chosen colors, labels for the cartographical information labels may be very hard to make out. Check the colors from the AXL file against as may color combinations from your map levels as possible.
  • ·         You can display different cartography levels at runtime providing that these have already been defined in the AXL files. You cannot assign several AXL files to a map at the same time. Nor can you change the content of an AXL file at runtime. For this reason, you need to think about which combination of cartography levels make sense in your scenario in advance.
  • You can find additional information under Additional Cartographical Information .