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Display AttributeLocate this document in the navigation structure


The display attribute of a view describes in detail how an item attribute is presented to the user. The display attributes referenced in the columnOrder attribute of the view form the columns of the list view. All display attributes are rendered in the preview or detail view of the page if an attribute value exists.

The visible columns and column order can be changed by the user in the personalization page. All display attributes can be added to the list view.

Some display attributes may serve as links to actions as specified by the actionRef attribute. List views which offer mass processing decisions to the user usually contain a number of display attributes of type checkbox which refer to group actions.

The child tag ImageMapping may map item attribute values to images for better visualization. A display attribute can also get a hover menu which allows directly to manipulate the values, using the child tag Menu .




The column name. This name must match the attribute name of an item to display the data correctly.

Standard additional display attributes are as follows:

  • detailIcon - displays an icon which will allow launching of the detail page


Specifies how the value of the attribute should be rendered in the column. The UWL tries to match the value from the item attribute with the display type; in some cases, the conversion may fail and an exception is thrown and logged.

  • double

  • int

  • percentage

  • string

  • date - see also format

  • time - see also format

  • datetime - see also format

  • checkbox - requires actionRef

  • radiobutton - requires actionRef

  • link - the attribute value is rendered as link to the action specified with actionRef

  • image - see example below and ImageMapping and ImageMap

  • progressindicator - expects integer as attribute value

  • people - Attribute value should be a portal user id, or an array of portal user ids. Multiple users are supported. Renders the user with collaboration menu. It is also possible to pass the clear name of the person (no collaboration menu).

  • dropdownlistbox - Obsolete. Do not use.


Specify the width of the column. Leave blank to have table figure the best size.


Specifies the date, time, or date time format to use:

  • short is completely numeric, such as 12.13.52 or 3:30pm

  • medium is longer, such as Jan 12, 1952

  • long is longer, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm

  • full is completely specified, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST

  • default is the preconfigured format, it equals medium.


Flag to indicate if the column can be sorted or not.


Specifies the action this display attribute links to. Used with type checkbox and radio button for group actions. Used with link and image for links to actions.


Specifies the vertical alignment of cell content. Allowed values are:




  • TOP


Specifies the horizontal alignment of cell content. Allowed values are


  • CHAR

  • LEFT




Display name of the attribute to be presented in the column header or as label in the preview or detail view. Alternatively, the descriptions can be added in multiple languages within the child tag Descriptions.

Child Tags: Descriptions , ImageMapping , Menu

<DisplayAttribute referenceBundle="approve" name="approveCol" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="approve" vAlign="BASELINE" hAlign="CENTER">
<DisplayAttribute name="dueDate" type ="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" hAlign="LEFT" referenceBundle="due_date"/>
<DisplayAttribute name="CallCheckReq" type="image" width="" sortable="no" format="default" actionRef="CallCheckReqAction" hAlign="CENTER" vAlign="MIDDLE" maxTextWidth="0" headerVisible="yes">
  <Descriptions default="Detail">
      <Description Language="en" Description="Detail"/>
  <ImageMapping default="CallCheckReq">
    <ImageMap value="CallCheckReq" imageName="http://<path/image.gif>" referenceBundle="Detail"/>
  </ImageMapping >