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 Creating and Managing Models


In Recommendation Models and Definition you can do the following:

Create a Model

To create a model proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Create in Recommendation Models.

  2. Enter a Name, choose a Model Type, and enter a Description.

    For more information, see Recommendation Model Types.

  3. Choose Save.

    The new model now appears in the Recommendation Models table in Recommendation Models.

Note Note

You can also use an existing model as the basis to create a new model by choosing Save As while viewing or editing a model in Definition or Preview Recommendations. The Reference panel of models that you create in this manner contain the original model name and model type details. You can display the original model in a new tab by choosing the model name.

End of the note.

For more information, see Recommendation Models.

Edit a Model

Having created the model, you can now proceed to edit it as follows:

  1. Choose the name of the model in the Recommendation Models table in Recommendation Models.

    Definition opens in a separate browser tab.

    Note Note

    You can only edit models that have a Draft activation status in the Key Information panel.

    End of the note.
  2. Choose Edit from the options available at the bottom of the page.

    A dialog box appears if any changes, either by you (without saving) or another user, have been made to the model. The dialog box prompts you to acknowledge that you are overwriting any changes that are currently being made to the model. If you change and save the model; the Administrative Data panel reflects that you are the last person to change the model and when the changes were made.

  3. Choose Add Step to add the number of steps your model requires and configure the step settings.

    Models consist of one or more steps that contain one or more algorithms. In models that contain more than one step, the steps are processed from left to right using the results returned by the previous step. The following step types are available:

    • Recommend

      The recommend step type uses algorithms to produce a result set.

    • Re-Rank

      The re-rank step type can use algorithms or rules to change the ranking (score) of a result set.

      Note Note

      The use of rules is restricted to Manage Recommendations. For more information, see Rules.

      End of the note.
    • Filter

      The filter step type can use algorithms or rules to remove recommendations from a result set.

      Note Note

      The use of rules in filter step types is restricted to Manage Recommendations. If a filter step contains several tasks, consider whether the Result Merge Type in the step settings should be Intersection.

      End of the note.
    • Convert

      The convert step type converts data supplied by a data source into something that is supplied to a filter or re-rank step.

      For example, a convert step within a model can examine the content of a consumer’s cart and determine which product category the items in it belong to. Then, in an additional step, re-rank the recommendations according to the product categories of the items contained in the cart.

      Note Note

      The convert step can only be added to models and edited by business analysts using Recommendation Models.

      End of the note.

    All of the algorithms contained in a step are executed in parallel. The combined results of the algorithms are merged according to one of the following Result Merge Type step settings:

    • Weighted

      The weighted merge type renders results in descending order according to the final score assigned the recommendations. The final score of each recommendation is influenced by the weight assigned to the algorithm it is rendered from.

    • Intersection

      The intersection merge type only renders recommendations results that are common among all of the algorithms contained within the step.

      Note Note

      The intersection merge type does not take algorithm weight into consideration when rendering recommendations.

      End of the note.

    The step settings also allow you to configure a maximum number of results that a step can yield.

  4. Choose Add Algorithm and choose an Algorithm Type to display a list of related algorithms.

    The algorithms are associated to an Algorithm Type ID and Type of Step in Customizing for SAP Hybris Marketing under Start of the navigation path Recommendation Next navigation step Configure Algorithms End of the navigation path.

  5. Choose an algorithm and configure the settings.

    The tabs that are displayed in the algorithm settings are rendered according to the algorithm parameters, data sources, and associated data source pre-filters that are defined in Customizing under Start of the navigation path SAP Hybris Marketing Next navigation step Recommendation End of the navigation path Data Source Definition, Algorithm Definition, and Configure Algorithms. For more information, see Algorithms.

    Example Example

    You can define the Generation Refresh Rate (in hours) on the Parameters tab of relevant algorithms to periodically automate the generation of the algorithms within a Pending or Active model.

    End of the example.
  6. Enter an Active On date to define when the model becomes active.

    You must provide an Active On date before you can activate a model.

  7. Choose Save.

    Once you save and generate a model, you can preview the recommendations the model returns. For more information, see Previewing Recommendations Returned by a Model.

Manage Models

In Definition and Preview Recommendations you can manage models by doing the following:

  • Managing the model activation status

    You can manage model activation by choosing Activate, Cancel Activation, or Deactivate.

    For more information, see Understanding Model Statuses.

  • Deleting a model

    You can only delete models that have a Draft activation status in the Key Information panel.