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The following parameters are supported by the SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence (SAP MII) connectors. You can use the following techniques to select tags and time intervals.

Tag Selection Techniques

You can use the following techniques to select tag names for tag queries:

  • Use the TagName and TagName.1 -- TagName.32 parameters.

  • Use the Mask and Group parameters for wildcard matches and selection of tags.

    You can use the Mask parameter, with or without the Group parameter. If you do not use the Group parameter, the mask is applied to all tags. If you use the Group parameter, the mask is applied to the tags within the selected group.

    Not all historians and HMI systems support groups.

    A query using the Mask parameter utilizes the SQL operator LIKE. For example, to obtain all tags that end with Speed from the Simulator server, you could use the following query:


    Where %25 represents the URL-encoded form of the percent symbol, which is used as a filtering wildcard value.

  • Use both of the above. You can process a maximum of 128 tags in a single query.

    For example: http://<servername>/XMII/Illuminator?Server=Simulator&Mode=Current&Group=MixerTemps

    The tags contained in the Simulator server's MixerTemps group are used in the query.

Date Selection Techniques

A requirement for many data queries, particularly historical data queries, is a date and time range. If you do not provide one in a query, the system uses a time interval offset from the current Web server time based on the default Duration and DurationUnits parameter values. This queries the last hour of data.

You can enter values for the StartDate and EndDate parameters to specify the time interval. If you only enter a StartDate value, the system adds the Duration and DurationUnits values to the StartDate to determine the interval. If you only enter an EndDate value, the system subtracts the Duration and DurationUnits values from the EndDate to determine the interval.

Note Note

StartDate and EndDate parameter values must be in the same format as the DateFormat parameter.

End of the note.

If you enter a Time parameter value, the system adds the Duration and DurationUnits values to it to determine the interval. The Time parameter value is the query StartDate; however, if you enter a negative duration, the Time parameter value is the EndDate. For example, if you enter a Time parameter value of Yesterday@06:30:00 and the Duration and DurationUnits value is 4 hours, the interval is from yesterday at 6:30 AM to yesterday at 10:30 AM. If the Time parameter value is Yesterday@06:30:00 and the Duration and Duration Units value is -4 hours, the interval is from yesterday at 2:30 AM to yesterday at 6:30 AM.

You can set up predefined time periods, which define both the start time (in the same format as the Time parameter) and the Duration and DurationUnits. You cannot edit the CurrentYear and CurrentMonth time periods. The system determines the start and end times for these time periods based on the current date and time.

You can define time schedules that represent logical breakpoints, such as shifts, in your query times. You can enter the current or previous shift, and the system determines the start and end times.

The order of priority of these parameters is as follows:

  1. Schedule

  2. Time period

  3. Time

  4. Start date and end date

If a Schedule or TimePeriod parameter is provided, the system ignores the Duration and DurationUnits parameters.