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 Outbound Partner ParametersLocate this document in the navigation structure

These parameters specify information about the destination site when the server is the source site.

To maintain these settings in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, go to Configuration Management Security Trusted Systems SAML Browser/Artifact Profile Outbound Partners .

Parameters for Partner Information (PartnersOutbound)

Parameter Corresponding Configuration Option Value Comment


Receiver URL


String value.

URL for the destination site's receiver. If this parameter is empty, then the request is sent to the requested resource directly.


Assertion Version


String value.

The supported SAML versions include versions 1.0 and 1.1


Issuer Name


String value.

Mandatory parameter that identifies the source site, for example, the source site's URL.


URL Parameter for Artifact


String value.

The URL parameter name that contains the assertion artifact (default=SAMLart).


URL Parameter for Target


String value.

The parameter name used in the URL that indicates the actual target URL (default=TARGET).


Responder User


String value.

User ID used to access the source site's responder.

This parameter is used to make sure that only the destination site for which the assertion was issued can retrieve it.


Source ID

< Hex, B64>:<ID>

String value.

20-byte sequence provided by the source site. Use the prefix Hex: or B64: to specify the format of the source ID as follows:

  • Hex: Specify the source ID as a 40 character sequence in hexadecimal form.
  • B64: Specify the source ID as a base 64-encoded string (28 character sequence that ends with an equal sign (=)).


Validity After Issue

<validity_of_ assertions_ in_seconds>

Default value is 180 .

Integer value.

Indicates the number of seconds that assertions are valid after issue.


Validity Before Issue

<validity_of_ assertions_ in_seconds>

Default value is 120 .

Integer value.

Indicates the number of seconds that assertions are valid before issue.

Use to compensate for unsynchronized clocks between systems.