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 Properties Display in Manufacturing Cockpits Locate this document in the navigation structure


You can display the properties for every input field in a dialog box in manufacturing cockpits. To do so, you choose Display properties in the context menu.


Depending on the actions performed at the input field, the maximum content of the Display Properties dialog box in the cockpit is the following:

  • Position

Specifies the number of the process instruction in which the process step was defined.

You need this function in the following situations:

  • When you find an error while testing the cockpit, you can use this function to find the process instruction that must be changed.

  • System messages in the log normally specify the process instruction to which they refer. If a system message indicates an error you have made when maintaining the process instruction in the cockpit definition, you can use the above function to find the relevant element of the PI sheet.

  • Deviations

You can define an input validation for input fields. Deviations that occur during value entry are listed here. The value entered, the validation rule defined, and a note saying whether the value was rejected or accepted is displayed for every deviation.

For more information, see Recording of Actual Data in Browser-Based PI Sheets .

  • Signatures

Lists all digital signatures executed in input fields. The name of the signatory, the date and time when the signature was executed, and, if available, a comment by the signatory are displayed for every signature.