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 Planning Background Jobs Locate this document in the navigation structure

Enter the following information when planning background jobs:

Start date

Frequency interval

Print specifications

Target host, if necessary

Enter the following information for the job definition:

Job name

Job names are defaulted on the basis of the selected report and selected options (such as Multiple selection ).

Job class

You can determine the priority of your job in the Job class field. "C" is the default class. Job class “A” is reserved for jobs with high priority, “B” for regular job runs.

Target host

In cases where background processes are active on several hosts, you must specify the server where your background job should be processed. To do so, enter the name of the desired host on the initial screen.

If you leave the target host field blank, your background job will be processed by the current server.

Enter another host, for example, when you wish to use a printer that is only accessible through that server.

Start date

Choose Start time on the initial screen to display the Start Time Values dialog window, where you can enter the start time for the background job.

You have the following options:


Frees the report background job and begins execution immediately.


Indicate a date and time for the scheduled start. Choose No start after to prevent the background job from being started after a particular time.

After job

Enter a preliminary job in the Name field. Activate the Start status dependent indicator so that the system starts the job only after the preliminary job runs successfully.

After event

You can enter an event that must occur in order for the job to start. This ensures that the condition is met before the job starts. If the event requires a parameter, choose Parameter .

At operation mode

You can enter a name for the operational mode in which the job should be started (such as normal mode or night mode).

Periodic job execution indicator

With the exception of the After job option, all options allow you to execute the starts on a periodic basis. When you activate the Periodic job indicator, you will have to select period values. Choose Period values to set repeat runs for the reports on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis, or for any other interval of your choosing.

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Remember to save the data you specified for your job. Saving this information releases the job for processing.