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 Transferring Budgets Locate this document in the navigation structure


In an area of responsibility, it is possible that the budget becomes tight for one project while the budget for another project is still adequate. Transfers enable you to make the budget for one project available to another project.

Course Prerequisites

The currency of the transfer must be permitted for both of the affected WBS elements. The WBS elements can belong to the same project, or to several projects.


You can differentiate between:

  • Transfers between different WBS elements in the same period.

    The sender and the recipient cannot belong to the same subtree.

  • Transfers between the same WBS element in different periods (also recourse or carryforward).

  • Transfers between different WBS elements in different years

You cannot execute transfers in all project statuses. The WBS elements between which you want to transfer budget must have a status that permits the business transaction budget transfer .

There are three different transfer transactions:

  • Budget Transfer Recipient

    If the WBS element has a status that allows this business transaction, the WBS element can receive budget during a transfer.

  • Budget Transfer Sender

    If the WBS element has a status that allows this business transaction, the WBS element can send budget during a transfer.

  • Budget Transfer (Transfer)

    If the WBS element has a status that allows this business transaction, the WBS element can send and receive budget during a transfer.

The procedure for a transfer is the same as for a Supplement for a Project or a Return From a Project , except that you specify a sender or recipient WBS element (or year).

The system also maps any transfers between objects of lower hierarchy levels to the objects on higher hierarchy levels.

Caution Caution

If budgeting in the object currency , the following problems may occur with transfers:

The system only includes budget items in the relevant object currency in the Entered Budget . Transfers made in other currencies are not displayed as an entered value in objects from higher hierarchy levels.

The system includes all budget items in the current budget .

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To display the budget line items for a WBS element, choose Logistics or Accounting -> Project System -> Controlling -> Budgeting -> Original budget -> Change .

The Change Original Budget: Initial Screen appears.

Enter the necessary data and choose Continue or Original budget .

Choose the WBS Element overview.

The Change Budget: WBS Element Overview screen appears.

Choose   Extras   Line item.  

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You entered the following budget values in a project structure plan with two subtrees and five objects with different object currencies.

You now make a transfer between two WBS elements of the lowest hierarchy level: $100 from WBS element 1.1.1 to WBS element 1.2.1 . The current budget in the project structure plan is now composed as follows:

The WBS elements 1.1 and 1.2 have the object currency EUR . The transferred $100 is displayed in the line item report. The entered value of WBS element 1.1 is still 2000 EUR and the entered value of WBS element 1.2 is still 100 EUR , as the system only includes budget items entered in EUR.

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End of the caution.


To transfer budget, choose Logistics or Accounting -> Project System -> Controlling -> Budgeting -> Transfer .

On the Transfer Budget: Initial Screen , you can enter a sender- and receiver year and a default value text for a large number of similar transfers. You can also specify whether the overall values are to be included for the sender WBS element.

Enter the sender- and receiver WBS element, the amount and the currency for the transfer. The sender year , receiver year , overall value , text and long text fields contain the default values. You can use the Detail function to change these fields.