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 Request for Budget Increase in the Intranet Locate this document in the navigation structure


You want to request a budget increase for an order, network, network activity, or WBS element.

You do not know which person in your organization can approve your request.


There are two different scenarios:

  • Request for Budget Request (scenario SR61)

    The form is sent to a processor, who changes the budget.

    The processor executes the budget transactions in the system.

  • Request for Budget Request with Approval ( scenario SR62 )

    The form is sent to a manager for approval.

    The recipient is determined as follows:

    • If you entered a person, that person is notified.

    • If you did not specify a person to approve the request, the system notifies the person defined in Customizing as responsible for the budget or WBS element.

    • If you did not enter a person to approve the request and no one is defined in Customizing as responsible for the budget or WBS element, the person is determined based on the role.

      The person responsible approves the request. The person who processes the request is selected based on the role in Customizing, and is notified through the workflow.

      For more information on customizing scenarios, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) under   Cross-Application Components   Internet / Intranet Services   Internal Service Request   Scenario Definition   Define Scenarios   , or the SAP Library under   Cross-Application Components   Internal Service Request.  

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Form for Requesting Budget Increase Without Approval

In the form for a request that requires approval, the Processor field is replaced by Person Approving Request .


The person entering the data calls up the Internal Service Request.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Initial screen of an internal service request.

  1. He selects the form Request Budget Increase .

  2. The person entering or initiator enters an object, the required budget increase and the currency in the form.

  3. The system determines the approver or processor of the notification as necessary.

  4. The request is forwarded to the approver or processor.

    Note Note

    The applicant often specifies the object to which they want to post costs to be included in the active availability control. Examples are planning data, actual costs, and commitments.

    The actual budget object can differ from the object entered, and is often unknown or of no interest to the applicant.

    End of the note.

See also:

Special Fields for the Form