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Process documentationDisplaying Graphics for Lists Locate this document in the navigation structure


You can also display data from lists in the form of a graphic. In this graphic, the key figures for the displayed list (key figures form the Y values of the graphic) are displayed as a bar chart by default, depending on the characteristics (characteristics form the X values of the graphic). Like all settings for the graphic, you can adapt the chart type to suit your needs.


By selecting columns and rows, you decide which content is to be presented in the graphic.

  • When you select rows, you decide which data rows in the graphic are to be displayed.

  • When you select columns, it has various effects on the display of the graphic.

    • When you select columns with characteristics, the selected columns are combined into one value on the X axis.

    • When you select columns with key figures, each of these key figures represents one Y value per data row.

      Caution Caution

      If you have selected individual cells, the graphic includes the corresponding row selection.

      End of the caution.

In addition to the selection of columns and rows, totals and subtotals also influence the graphic (see below).


Procedure without Selection of Row or Columns

To display the data in graphical form, choose .

The data graph appears in a dialog box. The default graphic is a bar chart that displays the key figures for each row in the original list as Y values depending on the characteristics as X values. For each key figure, the values from the list are displayed as bars. The corresponding specific instances of the characteristics are summarized and displayed as labels underneath the bars. The corresponding characteristics are displayed as labels on the X axis. The assignment of bar colors to the corresponding key figures is described in the legend underneath the graphic.

Caution Caution

When you display of the graphic, you have only decided which data are to be displayed in a graphic. You can tailor the appearance of your graphic to your needs. Click the right mouse button on the area of the graphic you want to change and choose one of the displayed options.

End of the caution.
Procedure with Selection of Rows or Columns

By selecting certain rows and columns, you limit the data displayed in the graphic.

Selecting Rows

To include only certain rows in the graphic, proceed as follows:

  1. Select one or more rows.

  2. Choose .

When you mark the rows, you have made a selection. The X values in the graphic only include the data from the rows you selected.

Selecting Columns

The effect of your column selection depends on whether you selected columns containing Key Figures or with Characteristics.

To display the graphic, proceed as follows for both cases:

  1. Select one or more rows.

  2. Choose .

If you have selected one or more characteristics, these Characteristics are displayed as the labels of the X values underneath the bars.

If you have selected one or more key figures, the specific instances of these key figures are displayed per X value with a separate bar. Your selection of key figures is displayed in the legend underneath the graphic.

Caution Caution

If you want to change the selection of data displayed, you do not have to close the graphic. You can make a different selection in the list and choose . The graphic changes according to your new settings. If you change data in your list, for example by sorting or setting a filter, this directly influences the graphic. The graphic is automatically adjusted. You do not have to activate the changes.

End of the caution.
Influence of Existing Totals and Subtotals
Totals in the List

An existing total in the list is displayed in the graphic as a selected column containing key figures, that is, the Y value is displayed as a bar.

Influence of Selections
  • If you also select a row, only the selected lines are displayed in the graphic.

  • If you select a row with characteristics, only this characteristic is displayed in the graphic as an X value.

  • If you also select a column with key figures, the Y value of the selected column is displayed and not the value in the totals column.

Subtotals in the List

If the list contains totals and subtotals, the graphic includes the subtotal from the highest subtotal level; the subtotal criterion of the top subtotal level is the X value. The subtotals of this subtotal level criterion are the Y values.

Influence of Selections
  • If you select a column with Characteristics that is a subtotal criterion, this characteristic is displayed as an X value in the graphic.

    The subtotals of this subtotal level criterion are the Y values.

  • If you also select a column with Characteristics that is a subtotal criterion, this characteristic is displayed as an X value in the graphic. The Y values are the individual values of the totals column.

  • If you also select a column with key figures, the Y value of the selected column is displayed and not the value in the totals column. Totals and subtotals are not included in the graphic.

Alternative Procedure in Fullscreen View

In addition to the previously mentioned procedures, in fullscreen view you can also call the functions using the menu paths.

Choose   Views   Graphic  .