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 Specifications for the Tax Type Locate this document in the navigation structure

When you define your tax codes, the system defaults certain tax types that have been defined in the system for specific countries. Input tax, output tax, and non-deductible input tax are examples of tax types used in Germany.

The system determines which tax types are to be displayed by means of the country key. A calculation procedure is specified for each country key, and this procedure contains the country-specific specifications for calculating and posting the different tax types.

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When you define the calculation procedure, you must answer the following questions concerning each tax type:

  • What is the base amount for calculating the tax? This can be the expense or revenue amount or, as with sales equalization tax in Belgium, a tax amount.

  • Which calculation type is used to determine the base amount: percentage included or percentage separate? With very few exceptions (such as for travel expense accounting in Germany), the base amount is normally determined percentage included.

Example Example

The tax amount is 15%.

End of the example.

Percentage included

Tax amount = invoice gross amount * (tax rate/100 + tax rate)

150 = 1150 * ( 15 / 100 + 15)

Percentage separate

Tax amount = invoice net gross * tax rate/100

150 = 1000 * 15 / 100

  • To which side of the account must the tax amount be posted? The input and output tax is always posted in accordance with the G/L account and asset line items. For the tax to be posted additionally, the side of the account is determined depending on the input or output tax. For the acquisition and investment tax, for example, you post to the opposite side of the account.

  • Should a possible tax expense be divided between the G/L account and asset line items or posted separately? If, for example, you have a non-deductible input tax amount, you can choose whether to post to a separate expense account or apportion the tax expense between the G/L account and asset line items.

The type of tax calculation and posting depends on the answers to these questions and the combination of those answers.

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The following topics introduce individual tax types and explain the necessary specifications for calculating and posting tax. For more information on the calculation procedure, see The Calculation Procedure .

See also:

Tax on Sales/Purchases: Input and Output Tax

Non-Deductible Input Tax

Deferred Tax: Italy

Sales Tax

Use Tax

Tax Calculation With or Without Jurisdiction Code?

Entering Taxes with Jurisdiction Code

Acquisition Tax

Investment Tax

Sales Equalization Tax