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Function documentationWorking with SFC Numbers on the Sample Routing Locate this document in the navigation structure


SFC numbers selected for sampling from the SFC group are dispositioned to a sample routing for further quality inspection. Additionally, if the SFC group is rejected, all non-sample SFC numbers from this SFC group are dispositioned to the sample routing.

You start, work on and complete your sample SFC numbers on the sample routing. You can log NC codes to indicate defects when necessary using Log NC (see Log NC).

Note Note

For non-serialized SFC numbers, you shall log only NC codes configured with NC data type containing the Defect Count data field. You must enter Defect Count value when logging NC code against non-serialized SFC numbers on the Sample routing.

End of the note.

You can scrap an SFC number on the sample routing in the Scrap/Delete activity (see SFC Scrap/Delete). If there are no NC codes logged against this SFC number, or if the total severity of NC codes logged against this SFC number is lower than the NC Severity Threshold value defined in the sample plan, such scrapped SFC number will be accepted.

Note Note

You cannot unscrap an SFC number that has been scrapped on the sample routing.

You cannot apply any change production action to the SFC number, archive or delete it if it is a member of an SFC group whose status is either Group Created or Sampling Active (see SFC Group).

End of the note.

Upon completion of the sample routing, each SFC number is returned to the next step on the production routing or scrapped, depending on the Sample routing configuration.

The figure below illustrates the primary flow of user actions when working with SFC numbers on the sample routing:

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.