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 Calculation of Calendar Buffer Locate this document in the navigation structure


The calendar buffer is a buffer used by the system to compensate for the missing material quantity if the supply source does not work on a day on which the demand source works, for example.

The calendar buffer is calculated automatically in the kanban calculation if the working times of the supply source and the demand source differ. The calendar buffer consists of the requirement quantity needed to compensate for the time in which the supply source is not working plus the associated requirement fluctuation quantity. These requirements are consolidated and then brought forward to the preceding workday of the supply source.


You can display the number of kanban containers or the kanban quantity that the system has calculated for the control cycle on the basis of the calendar buffer in Number of Kanbans Due to Calendar Buffer or Kanban Quantity Due to Calender Buffer field of the transaction Check Proposal (PK08N).


You have specified the working times of the supply source (supplier) and the demand source (consumer) in the calculation profile .


Calendar Buffer Where Working Days Differ (But Working Times Are the Same)

In the following example, the consumer works the whole week. In contrast, the supplier does not work on Fridays. The system must use the calendar buffer to ensure that the consumer is also supplied with sufficient material on Friday. The system therefore calculates the requirement and the appropriate requirement fluctuation quantity for the Friday and brings the requirement quantity forward to the preceding workday of the supply source. In this example, this is the Thursday. This calculated quantity 1 constitutes the calendar buffer.

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Calendar Buffer Taking Different Working Times of Supply Source and Demand Source Into Account

In the following example, the demand source (consumer) works two hours longer mornings and evenings than the supply source (supplier). This must be balanced off via the calendar buffer. When calculating the calendar buffer, the system proceeds as follows:

  • The system compares the working times of consumer and supplier within one day. It determines the time the consumer works earlier in the mornings (2 hours). It then calculates the proportion of the complete requirement quantity for these 2 hours. This proportion of the requirement quantity consists of the actual requirement quantity and the quantity due to the requirement fluctuation for this day. The system then brings forward this requirement quantity to the preceding workday of the supplier, thus forming the calendar buffer.

  • The system determines the working time of the consumer during which the supplier works (8 hours). It then calculates the proportion of the requirement quantity for these 8 hours. This proportion of the complete requirement quantity consists of the actual requirement quantity and the quantity due to the requirement fluctuation for this day.

  • Next, the time that the consumer works longer than the supplier is calculated (in this example, 2 hours). For this time, too, the system determines the quantity needed and the requirement fluctuation on a proportional basis and uses this quantity as the calendar buffer for the current day.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.