The enterprise organization is a uniform, integrated user interface for the different organizational units in the SAP system.
The structure of your enterprise is represented in the SAP system by means of different organizational units (controlling area, company code, cost center and so on). In the Human Resources (HR) organizational structure for example, a company is broken down into departments, each of which is responsible for performing particular tasks. By way of contrast, in the standard hierarchy for cost center accounting, companies are broken down with regard to responsibilities for costs.
The enterprise organization helps you process your organizational structures so that:
These structures can be changed to reflect organizational changes within the enterprise.
A company's organizational structure is more transparent since the links between the organizational units are visible and can be evaluated.
The different business processes can be integrated optimally, and thus are more economical with resources.
The data is for internal and external reporting
You need to activate the enterprise organization to be able to use it. You do this in Customizing for the application component in question by choosing
Enterprise organization is based on the organizational plan in HR, and contains additional functions and organizational units specific to accounting.
The following areas are currently integrated in enterprise organization:
HR organizational plan
Cost center standard hierarchy
Profit center standard hierarchy
If the enterprise organization is active for a controlling area, you can no longer assign the organizational units (controlling area, company code, and cost center) in the HR organizational structure. Instead, use the functions in the enterprise organization.
Enterprise organization therefore provides an overview of the enterprise in terms of responsibilities for:
The structure of an enterprise is displayed in a simple tree structure.
You can change the enterprise organization per specific date.
This facility enables you to create past, present, and future organizational structures for your enterprise (see also Time-Dependency of Enterprise Organizations ).
The single maintenance screen for several organizational units or structures enables you to display and evaluate the links between the organizational units.
Using the search function, you select the organizational units and then assign these to the organizational structure using drag-and-drop (see Searching for Organizational Units ).
In the enterprise organization, you can create new organizational units (see Creating Organizational Units ).
In so doing, the system transfers the data in accordance with the inheritance principle (see the Inheritance Principle ).
Using drag and drop, you can copy organizational units from the selection area into the tree structure (see Assigning, Reassigning, or Moving Organizational Units ).
Using drag and drop, you can copy organizational units from the selection area into the tree structure (see Assigning, Reassigning, or Moving Organizational Units ).
You can maintain the master data for the individual objects directly from the tree structure (see Displaying or Changing Organizational Units ).
You can activate or delete inactive master record versions from cost centers and profit centers (see: Activating Inactive Master Data or Deleting Inactive Master Data ).
Enterprise organization is a logical development of the HR organizational plan.
An enterprise structure is more detailed in HR than in CO. Therefore all CO objects (such as controlling area, cost center) are assigned to the HR-Organizational Unit.
Note, however, that you can only assign one object type to a single HR organizational unit each time you are processing.
When processing the enterprise organization, the system carries out a number of checks on consistency.
For example, you can enter a cost center in the enterprise organization only if you have already assigned a controlling area to this enterprise organization.
You can make checks on a particular key date. To do so, choose
. You can make the following checks online or in a background job.Check that the enterprise organization is complete (see Time-Dependency of Enterprise Organizations ).
Consistency checks
From the enterprise organization you go to the web form to request a cost center change by choosing Extras -> Change request for cost centers (see Requesting a Change to Master Data in the Intranet/Internet ).
Data from the detail area is also transferred to the form.
From the enterprise organization you can only currently display master data for controlling areas and company codes.
Making mass changes to master data simultaneously as under Change Management is currently not possible.
For more information, see the SAP Library under