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 Display Profile for Lists Locate this document in the navigation structure


Lists produced by BOM reporting functions are displayed according to list profiles. These list profiles are used for:

  • Screen display

  • Printouts

    Note Note

    The functions described here are only available for Variable Lists .

    End of the note.


In the standard system, each reporting function has a standard list profile that provides default values for display profiles. To create another reporting list, you create a new profile. You use the display blocks of the standard profile to do this.

List names

The content and layout of a reporting list are determined by a list profile. All profiles for one transaction (for example,   Explode BOM   BOM level by level)   are allocated to a List name .

The following objects are allocated to a list name:

  • Maximum block

    A reporting list is made up of several sections (display blocks). A maximum block contains all the fields allowed in a display block, for example, all the fields of the list header and all the fields of a heading. Maximum blocks are defined internally in the SAP system and cannot be changed.

    Note Note

    If you create enhancements – additional fields in BOM tables (for example, STPO – BOM item) – the maximum block is not extended. This is why you cannot copy these fields to the list.

    End of the note.
  • List profiles

    A list profile groups together all display blocks (for example, list header) that define the layout of a specific reporting list (for example, BOM level by level ). You can have several list profiles for a reporting function, which display the result in different ways.

    The profiles for producing lists in the standard system are known as standard profiles.

    Field attributes are maintained for the fields in a display block. You can change these as required (for example, move or delete a field). The fields in a display block are a subset of the fields in the maximum block.

Default Values for the Display Profile

When you use a BOM reporting function, the view settings define the display profile for the resulting list. The display profile contains one of the following default values:

Authorization Check

Authorization object C_VARLIST (Objects for Variable Lists) lets you restrict maintenance of objects in variable reporting lists.