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Background documentationSimple CASE Statement (simple_case_statement) Locate this document in the navigation structure


The simple CASE statement (simple_case_statement) is a syntax element that can be used in a routine to define a database procedure (see CREATE DBPROC[EDURE] statement), a database function (see CREATE FUNCTION statement), or a trigger (see CREATE TRIGGER statement).


Syntax Syntax

  1. <simple_case_statement> ::=
      CASE <expression>
      END [CASE]
    <simple_case_when_clause> ::=
      WHEN <literal>[,...] THEN <statement>;
    <case_else_clause> ::=
      ELSE <statement>;
End of the code.

A CASE statement (case_statement) allows the conditional execution of a statement depending on search conditions or equality of operands.

In the case of a simple CASE statement (simple_case_statement), the expression is compared with the literals. If the expression matches a literal, the associated statement is executed and the CASE statement ends.


CASE digit

WHEN 0 THEN toCHAR = 'zero';

WHEN 1 THEN toCHAR = 'one';

WHEN 2 THEN toCHAR = 'two';

WHEN 3 THEN toCHAR = 'three';

WHEN 4 THEN toCHAR = 'four';

WHEN 5 THEN toCHAR = 'five';

WHEN 6 THEN toCHAR = 'six';

WHEN 7 THEN toCHAR = 'seven';

WHEN 8 THEN toCHAR = 'eight';

WHEN 9 THEN toCHAR = 'nine';

ELSE STOP(-29000, 'no digit');


If no matching literal or fulfilled search condition exists in a CASE statement, the statement defined in the ELSE branch is executed.

If there is no ELSE branch, the runtime error -28901 is returned.