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ROLLBACK TRANSACTION Statement [T-SQL]Locate this document in the navigation structure

Cancels any changes made since a savepoint was established using SAVE TRANSACTION. Changes made prior to the SAVE TRANSACTION are not undone; they are still pending.

ROLLBACK TRANSACTION<savepoint-name> ]

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  • savepoint-name an identifier that was specified on a SAVE TRANSACTION statement within the current transaction. If <savepoint-name> is omitted, all outstanding changes are rolled back. Any savepoints since the named savepoint are automatically released.

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  • Example 1 returns five rows with values 10, 20, and so on. The effect of the delete, but not the prior inserts or update, is undone by the ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement:
         SELECT row_num INTO #tmp
         FROM sa_rowgenerator( 1, 5 ) 
         SAVE TRANSACTION before_delete
         UPDATE #tmp SET row_num=row_num*10
         DELETE FROM #tmp WHERE row_num >= 3
         ROLLBACK TRANSACTION before_delete
         SELECT * FROM #tmp

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  • SQL–Vendor extension to ISO/ANSI SQL grammar.

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None, but there must be a corresponding SAVE TRANSACTION within the current transaction.