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Object documentationSurvey Library Locate this document in the navigation structure


The Survey Library lists the user-defined surveys that you can use to obtain information on the existence and evaluation of risks (RM) or the adequacy of controls (PC). Each survey comprises the following information:

  • Category: The category of the survey.

  • Title: The title of the survey.

  • Description: An optional description of the survey and its purpose.

  • Active: Specifies whether the survey is active or inactive. Only active surveys are available for use.

  • Questions: The questions that comprise the survey.

  • Created By

  • Created On


Using the Survey Library, you can do the following:

  • Create new surveys. You can create a new survey, or copy and change an existing survey.

  • Open surveys for editing. You can only edit surveys that have not been scheduled.

  • Delete surveys. You can only delete surveys that have not been scheduled.

You can use the questions defined in the Question Library with the surveys listed in the Survey Library.