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Procedure documentationGenerating an Audit Proposal and Audit Plan Proposal Locate this document in the navigation structure


You use this procedure to generate an audit proposal and an audit plan proposal from an Audit Risk Rating (ARR).


You have completed the following:


To create an audit proposal and audit plan proposal from an ARR:

  1. See and perform steps 1 through 5 described in Performing an Audit Risk Rating.

  2. Return to the General tab and select Released from the Status dropdown menu.

  3. Select the Audit Plan Proposal tab to enter information for your generated audit plan proposal.

    Enter the following information under the Audit Plan Proposal tab:

    • Name

      The audit plan proposal name:

      • must be unique and cannot be the same as the audit proposal name

      • cannot exceed 20 characters

      • cannot be changed or modified once the audit plan proposal has been saved

    • Description

      A brief description of your audit plan proposal.

    • Available Hours

      The hours available for implementation of the audit plan proposal.

    • Valid From

      The date when the audit plan proposal can be used.

    • Valid To

      The date when the audit plan proposal expires.

      The Valid to must be greater than or equal to than the Valid from date.

    • Responsible Person

      The person responsible for the audit plan proposal generation. This field is grayed out and cannot be changed.

    Enter the following information under the Audit Proposal tab:

    • Minimum Risk Score

      Enter the value or select Get Default.

      Use Get Default to obtain auditable entity data which satisfy the minimum risk score selection criteria.

      If you select Get Default, the following values are displayed in table format:

      • Audit Proposal Name

        The audit proposal name must be unique and differ from the audit proposal plan name.

        The audit proposal name cannot exceed 20 characters.

      • Auditable Entity

        The auditable entity included in your audit proposal.

        The following fields are displayed but cannot be edited:

        • Average Risk Score

          The total risk score defined for the auditable entity.

        • Risk Level

          The level of risk for that you have defined for the auditable entity.

          This value is supplied by Customizing activities in Risk Management under Maintain Risk and Opportunity Analysis.

        • Risk Priority

          The level of importance you have defined for the auditable entity.

          This value is supplied by Customizing activities in Risk Management under Maintain Risk and Opportunity Analysis.

      • Planned Start Date

        The start date for the audit proposal.

      • Planned End Date

        The end date for the audit proposal.

        Note Note

        The Planned Start Date and Planned End Date dates must coincide with the Valid From and Valid To dates of the audit plan proposal.

        End of the note.
      • Responsible Person

        The person responsible for the audit proposal.

      • Estimated Hours

        The estimated duration in hours for your audit proposal.

      Note Note

      You can Append, Insert, or Delete the rows to change your entries.

      End of the note.
  4. Select Submit to generate the audit plan proposal and audit proposal from your ARR.