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Function documentationMy Work: Approver Delegation Locate this document in the navigation structure


You can use the Approver Delegation option to delegate your approver authority to another member of your team, for a time when you plan to be unavailable. You must specify a time period for the delegation.

The delegated approver processes requests are then routed through the standard approval process whenever the request is through a normal request approval workflow.

However, if the request is escalated, then the delegated approver may not be the person who must approve the request. During the configuration of workflow stage for escalated requests, your system administrator may have enabled the Forward to Alternate Approver option allowing the defined Alternate Approver the authorization to approve escalated requests. In this scenario, the delegated approver is not the same person as the alternate approver.


  1. In the My Work tab, choose Approver Delegations. The Approver Delegation screen appears.

  2. In the Delegated Approver ID field, for the user to whom you wish to delegate your approver duty, enter the following:

    • Last Name

    • First Name

    • E-Mail address

    Note Note

    You can use the Magnifying Glass icon to search for the information, rather than manually entering this information. If you use the search option, the Search Users screen appears.

    • You may search by User ID, Last Name, First Name, or E-Mail Address (wildcards are accepted).

    • From the list of results, choose the radio button next to the user intended as your delegate.

    • Choose Select pushbutton to make your selection and return to the Approver Delegation screen.

    • The user information is automatically completed in the Approver Delegation screen.

    End of the note.
  3. In the Valid From and Valid To fields, choose the Calendar icon to specify the date range during which the delegated approver has approval authority.

  4. Choose Save.

    The Approver Delegation screen appears with a success message at the top, and with the name of the approver in the delegations table.

  5. Make sure that the Status icon is activated for the current delegated approver.