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Background documentationCreating a Persistent Sequence Without Proxy Locate this document in the navigation structure


It is sometimes necessary for the application to know the sequence ID before calling a proxy method, for example when assigning the sequence ID in another module or LUW. In this case, no proxy object must be instantiated. A persistent sequence is created. It returns a sequence ID that can be used later on.


  l_seq_manager type ref to if_seq_manager_ext_consumer,

  l_seq_id type srt_seq_id.

l_seq_manager =

    cl_soap_sequence_factory=>create_seq_mng_ext_consumer( ).

l_seq_id = l_seq_manager->create_persistent_sequence( ).

* persist the sequence ID or pass it to other modules


Use the REUSE_PERSISTENT_SEQUENCE method to use the sequence ID of the persistent sequence.


  l_sequ_prot type ref to if_wsprotocol_sequence,

  l_sequence type ref to if_ws_persistent_sequence,

  l_proxy type ref to co_my_proxy,

  l_seq_id type srt_seq_id.

create object l_proxy.

l_sequ_prot ?= l_proxy->get_protocol( if_wsprotocol=>sequence ).


l_sequence = l_sequ_prot->reuse_persistent_sequence( l_seq_id ).

l_sequence->begin( ).

l_sequ_prot->set_client_sequence( l_sequence ).

l_proxy->m1( ).

l_proxy->m2( ).

l_sequence->end( ).
