Each instance of an SAP System has a gateway. The gateway enables communication between work processes and external programs, as well as communication between work processes from different instances or SAP Systems.
The SAP Gateway is made up of various processes:
Gateway Read Process
Gateway Monitor
Gateway read (gwrd, gwrd.exe) is the main process in the gateway system.
It is started by the application server (dispatcher) and checked by it periodically.
The gateway reader receives and processes all CPI-C requests.
If the executable gwrd program is called without parameters or with the switch -help, the program outputs a description of the possible command parameters, as well as all the patches.
The gateway monitor is used to analyze and administer the SAP Gateway.
When you start it, you initially get a list of active CPI-C connections. You can call up all the other monitor functions via a menu.
If the gateway is running in an Application Server ABAP, you can monitor the gateway with the gateway monitor (transaction SMGW).
You can also monitor the gateway at operating system level (in particular if the gateway is running in a system without AS ABAP). Use program gwmon(.exe), which is contained in the delivery.