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Process documentationOutbound Queue Administration Locate this document in the navigation structure


The following sections give an overview of the activities for administering the qRFC outbound queue:


The systems with which qRFC communication is to be executed were defined as remote destinations using transaction SM59.


You can execute the following activities to administer the outbound queue:

  • Administering the QOUT Scheduler

    • Configuring resources of the QOUT Scheduler

      • Specify the number of work processes that are to be used to sent LUWs to a specific destination.

        Note Note

        Since the majority of external server programs are not multi-read-capable, you must only use one work process here. You can make this setting for every destination in transaction SMQS. This limits the maximum load in a target system.

        End of the note.
    • Register, deregister, and exclude destinations

    • Specifying Log-On Data for RFC Destinations

    • Optimizing Performance

    • Display Management Data

  • Monitoring the Outbound Queue

    • Checking Queue Status

    • Restarting blocked queues

    • Testing the qRFC Connection

More Information

The following sections give you more information about the administration of the outbound queue:

For detailed information on maintaining remote destinations: