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Procedure documentationMonitoring the Inbound Queue Locate this document in the navigation structure


You can use the monitor for the inbound queue to monitor inbound queues or process them (if required). There are the following options for processing an inbound queue:

  • Activating the queue

  • Locking the queue

  • Deleting the Queue

    Note Note

    The new TID has all the information from the old TID. There are not two TIDs (old and new), but only one new one, which also includes the information contained in the old one.

    To guarantee uniqueness of the TIDs when processing the tRFC/qRFCs, the tRFC Manager creates a new TID for all incoming qRFC LUWs, and enters the sending TID into the new TID, before the qRFC LUW is stored in the inbound queue for later processing.

    End of the note.


To monitor the inbound queue, proceed as follows:

  1. Call transaction SMQ2.

  2. On the initial screen, select the queues that you want to monitor.

  3. You get to the detailed view and processing of a queue by double-clicking on the queue or by selecting the queue and choosing the Display Selected button.

    Note Note

    If you want to monitor a secured inbound queue, select transaction SMQ3 and execute the same steps as in transaction SMQ2. A secured inbound queue cannot be activated or located, it can only be deleted.

    End of the note.

More Information

For a detailed description of the available queue status, see: