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Example documentationApplication Examples: Asynchronous Communication Locate this document in the navigation structure


Asynchronous communication is typically used in the following application scenarios:

Application Scenarios
Materials Management/Sales and Distribution
  • Sending business application documents to a vendor (for example, purchase orders, forecast delivery schedules, contract release orders), and ensuring that these application documents are only posted once in the target system.

  • Sending order confirmations, shipping notifications, or invoices to a customer.

  • Making changes to a purchase order that you have just created, and ensuring that both messages (the order and changes to the order) are sent to the target system in the correct order.

  • Using distributed contracts in procurement

Warehouse Management
  • Updating goods movements in a remote warehouse management system.

  • Exchanging application documents between remote logistics systems and a central accounting system.

Master Data Administration
  • Replicating master data in remote systems.

Database Administration
  • Performing complex database updates in a remote system in which different tables are saved in a predefined order. For example, update processes in the APO component or in material requirements planning.