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Mapping Delete or Update OperationsLocate this document in the navigation structure


When mapping the Update or the Delete operation to a BOR object method, or an RFC, as your data source, the data source view enables only the data source parameters of type, input, for mapping.

All other parameters of type, changing, or output, are displayed but you cannot select them.

You can use the Propose Mapping button to automatically generate and display the available mapping relations between the properties of the entity set and the parameters of the data source.

If there is no information about the mapping, no mapping is proposed.

To map the Delete or the Update operation, see Creating the Mapping.

Mapping Rules for Update and Delete Operation

The following are some of the mapping rules for update and delete operations:

  • All mapping is of type, input, and you cannot edit their mapping direction.

  • Mapping of all properties set as key must be of type, input.