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Check Function


The Check function can be used for the following purposes:

  1. Allocation Indirect or Direct Sender

    Here the source identifies an input function, which contains all relevant enriched data, and the comparison identifies a collection function, which contains all indirect or direct allocations. The check then automatically loops through all indirect allocations and collects the sender data. This is then compared against the enriched data to ensure that all indirect costs are covered completely.

  2. Allocation Indirect Receiver

    Here the source identifies a collection, which contains all indirect allocations. The check then automatically loops through all indirect allocations and collects sender and receiver data. The following check information is then determined:

    1. Total Sender Amount to be allocated

    2. Is there a receiver (more than 0 records)?

    3. Is the cost driver not equal to 0?

    4. The Short Description of the cost driver

    5. The sender characteristics (for example, cost centers)

  3. Trace Allocation by Sender or Receiver

    Here the source identifies an Allocation. The check then determines the sender or receive key figures amounts for the selected receiver characteristics, so that allocated costs can be traced back to the root cause senders.

  4. Trace Allocation by Cycle

    Here the source identifies a collection, which contains all relevant allocations. The check then automatically loops through the selected allocations, determines the allocated amounts for the selected receiver characteristics, and compares them with the sender. This enables checking of the allocation details (amount, cost driver, quantity, allocation).


You have configured an environment or a calculation unit under an environment. You can create a Check function only under an Environment or under a Calculation Unit. Because the Check function is used for checking the allocation, you must first create the corresponding Allocation function.


Check the configuration of the Indirect Sender and Direct Sender.

  1. In the Settings roadmap step, select the reconciliation category Indirect Sender or Direct Sender from the dropdown list.

  2. Select Field Set ID from the dropdown list.

  3. In the Source roadmap step, select the source function for the comparison by selecting the input function ID from the dropdown list.

  4. In the Comparison roadmap step, select the target function for the comparison by selecting the input function ID from the dropdown list.

  5. To save changes, choose Save.

  6. To generate the Check function, choose Generate.

  7. To display formatted Result (expected result), choose Analyze. To display row data, choose Run.

Check Configuration for Indirect Receiver

  1. In the Settings roadmap step, select the reconciliation category Indirect Receiver from the dropdown list.

  2. In the Source roadmap step, select the source function for the comparison by selecting the input function ID from the dropdown list. In this case, the source and target for the comparison are the same function. Therefore, the Comparison roadmap step is not available.

  3. To save changes, choose Save.

  4. To generate the Check function, choose Generate.

  5. To display formatted Result (expected result), choose Analyze. To display row data, choose Run.

Check Configuration for Trace Allocation by Receiver

  1. In the Settings roadmap step, select the reconciliation category Trace Allocation by Receiver from the dropdown list. Select the source function (allocation function) for the comparison by selecting the input function ID from the dropdown list.

  2. In the Source roadmap step, the system automatically enters the characteristics and key figures from the receiver part of the selected allocation function.

  3. To save changes, choose Save.

  4. To generate the Check function, choose Generate.

  5. To display formatted Result (expected result), choose Analyze. To display row data, choose Run.

Check Configuration for Trace Allocation by Sender

  1. In the Settings roadmap step, select the reconciliation category Trace Allocation by Sender from the dropdown list. Select the Comparison function for the comparison by selecting the input function ID from dropdown

  2. In the Source roadmap step, the system automatically enters the characteristics and key figures from the sender part of the selected allocation function.

  3. In the Comparison roadmap step, the system automatically enters the characteristics and key figures from the receiver part of the selected allocation function.

  4. To save changes, choose Save.

  5. To generate the Check function, choose Generate.

  6. To display formatted Result (expected result), choose Analyze. To display row data, choose Run.

Check Configuration for Trace Allocation by Cycle
  1. In the Settings roadmap step, select the reconciliation category Trace Allocation by Cycle from the dropdown list.

  2. In the Source roadmap step, select plus (+) or minus (-) icon to add or remove allocation functions to/from the comparison.

  3. In the Comparison roadmap step, the system automatically enters the characteristics and key figures from the receiver part of the selected allocation function.

  4. To save changes, choose Save.

  5. To generate the Check function, choose Generate.

  6. To display formatted Result (expected result), choose Analyze. To display row data, choose Run.