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 Detection Method: Turnover of New Vendor in First Year Exceeds Threshold


You can use this detection method to find new vendors whose turnover in the first year of business exceeds a threshold that you specify.


The beginning date for the first year’s turnover is the first day of the month in which vendor turnover is found for the first time within a company code. An alert is raised if the amount of turnover exceeds the amount threshold. If the company code currency and threshold currency are different, currency conversion takes place.

Investigation and Detection Object Types

Investigation object type: FRA_NEWVEN (New Vendor)

Detection object type: FRA_NEWVEN (New Vendor Master Data)

ERP Tables Used
  • BSEG: Accounting Document Segment

  • BKPF: Accounting Document Header

  • BSET: Tax Data Document Segment

  • T001: Company Codes

  • LFA1: Vendor Master (General Section)

SAP HANA Procedures for Detection Methods

Procedure Category

Procedure Name

Procedure Type




SQLScript Procedure



SQLScript Procedure


Additional Information


SQLScript Procedure

Detection Method Parameters
  • THRESHOLD_REVENUE_1ST_Y: The threshold for the maximum amount of first-year turnover allowed by this detection rule. Higher amounts trigger an alert.

  • THRESHOLD_CURRENCY: The currency in which THRESHOLD_REVENUE_1ST_Y is denominated.

Alert Messages
  • Message ID FRA_INTERNAL_AUDIT, message number 004, Revenue: 1st year is &1 &2; 2nd year is &3 &2