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 Testing the SAP-Delivered Standard Application


For Tomcat and Eclipse configuration details, see the chapter Test Your SAPUI5 Application on a Java Web Server in the Developer Guide for User Interface Add-On at Start of the navigation path published on SAP site Next navigation step Development Information Next navigation step Developer’s Guide End of the navigation path

To use the proxy, you need to change the OData service URL of the SAP-delivered standard application. First, look for the OData service URL in the Configuration.js file inside the WebContent folder. Inside the file, look for an object called serviceList and a property called serviceUrl. Then change it to what is shown below.

Syntax Syntax

  1. serviceUrl:"/ZF2UIAPPREF002/proxy/sap/opu/odata/sap/PS_MILESTONE_CONFIRM?",
End of the code.

To configure the application, see chapter, Local Sandbox Environment for the Launchpad, in the Developer Guide for User Interface Add-On at Start of the navigation path Information published on SAP site Next navigation step Development Information Next navigation step Developer’s Guide End of the navigation path.