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Configuring the NWDI CockpitLocate this document in the navigation structure


This is a configuration step that you have to perform to manually configure SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) only if the automatic configuration is unsuccessful.

  1. Maintain NWDI Cockpit properties.

    Before using the NWDI Cockpit, the following properties need to be set for application tc~di~cpt~cockpit_ea in NetWeaver Administrator (for more information, see NetWeaver Administrator: Java System Properties):

    • cockpit.sld.url: configure the URL of the SLD server (for example, from which development configurations are be loaded for monitoring.

    • configure the user that the NWDI Cockpit uses for internal communication. A good choice is the NWDI communication user, with the technical name NWDI_CMSADM. Please note that, in addition to its usual privileges, NWDI_CMSADM needs to be a member of the group Administrators.
    • cockpit.nwdi.password: password of the communication user
    • when using the NWDI Cockpit’s class index, indicate which folder SCAs are be downloaded to.
  2. Create Java scheduler jobs for data update.

    SAP recommends configuring automated Java scheduler jobs for the NWDI Cockpit in order to display up-to-date data.

    Create the following scheduler jobs (for more information, see Scheduling Jobs)

    • CockpitRefreshCacheJob: this job collects operational data related to all development configurations. SAP recommends running this job at least once a day, preferably when there is little other activity on the attached NWDI servers.
    • CockpitRefreshClassIndexJob: this job analyses all software components in all configured development configurations and uses the data to build a class index. Depending on the amount of development configurations and software components, this can take a long time. SAP recommends running this job at least once a week.
  3. Trigger a cache update.

    Before you can proceed to configure the scope of the class index, you have to initially fill the NWDI Cockpit. With the following step, you manually execute the cache update that is otherwise executed periodically as part of the CockpitRefreshCacheJob.

    • Open the EJB Explorer (for more information, see Testing Applications' Business Logic Using the EJB Explorer).

    • Navigate to

      Start of the navigation path Next navigation step tc~di~cpt~cockpit_ea Next navigation step Next navigation step CacheEntityFacade Next navigation step  End of the navigation path

      and execute the method refreshCache().

  4. Configure the class index scope.


    To be able to perform the following steps,the user needs to be assigned to the role SAP_DI_ADMINISTRATOR.

    • Open the NWDI Cockpit using the URL https://<server>:<port>/nwdicockpit/index.html.
    • Navigate to Start of the navigation path Settings Next navigation step Class Index Scope End of the navigation path.
    • Add development configurations to the scope by either adding the configuration names to the text field or clicking the plus icon and selecting configurations from the list.
  5. Trigger a class index update.

    With the following step, you manually execute the class index update that is otherwise executed periodically within the CockpitRefreshClassIndexJob.

    • Open the EJB Explorer.
    • Navigate to Start of the navigation path Next navigation step tc~di~cpt~cockpit_ea Next navigation step Next navigation step ClassIndexFacade Next navigation step  End of the navigation path

      and execute the method updateClassIndex().