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Process documentation Printer Determination in Delivery Processing  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


You can use this process in Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) to print various documents on particular printers in the different storage sections, for example, in the goods receipt area or goods issue area.

EWM uses printer determination in the goods receipt process to print unloading instructions and in the goods issue process to print the delivery note and loading instructions.


      If appropriate, you have defined a print profile in the default values. To do so, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Extended Warehouse Management Delivery Processing Outbound Delivery Pickup. Choose Default Values and enter a print profile.

      If appropriate, you have implemented your own printer determination in Business Add-In (BAdI) /SCDL/PPF_ADD_DATA in method GET_PRINTER. For more information, see the BAdI documentation.

      If appropriate, you have implemented your own print profile determination in BAdI /SCWM/EX_DLV_PRINT_PROFILE. For more information, see the BAdI documentation.

      If appropriate, you have defined one or more print profiles in Customizing for EWM.

For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for EWM under Extended Warehouse Management Goods Receipt Process Inbound Delivery Print Define Print Profiles for Delivery Processing and Goods Issue Process Outbound Delivery Print Define Print Profiles for Delivery Processing.

      If appropriate, you have defined one or more Post Processing Framework (PPF) actions in Customizing for the PPF.

For more information, see the IMG for EWM under Extended Warehouse Management Cross-Process Settings Delivery Processing Actions Change Actions and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions and Define Conditions.

      You have defined print profile determination for the goods receipt process or goods issue process in Customizing for EWM.

For more information, see the IMG for EWM under Extended Warehouse Management Goods Receipt Process Inbound Delivery Print Define Print Profile Determination for Goods Receipt Process or Goods Issue Process Outbound Delivery Print Define Print Profile Determination for Goods Issue Process.


EWM attempts to determine the printer in the following sequence:


       1.      EWM checks whether you have specified a print profile in the default values on the user interface for pickup. If so, it uses the name of the printer from this print profile.

       2.      If EWM cannot find a printer in step 1, it checks whether you have implemented your own printer determination in BAdI /SCDL/PPF_ADD_DATA. If so, it uses this printer.

       3.      If EWM cannot find a printer in step 2, it checks whether you have implemented your own print profile determination in BAdI /SCWM/EX_DLV_PRINT_PROFILE. EWM uses the printer from this print profile.

       4.      If EWM cannot find a printer in step 3, it checks whether you have defined a print profile determination for the goods receipt process or the good issue process in Customizing for EWM. EWM uses the printer from this print profile.

You can define an access sequence for print profile determination. As a result, EWM considers one or more combinations of different parameters for the print profile, for example, goods receipt office, ship-to location, and warehouse number.

       5.      If EWM cannot find a printer in step 4, it checks whether you have specified a printer in the user master data. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose System User Profile Own Data to specify your own output device in the Spool Control group box on the Defaults tab page.

If EWM does not find a printer, it does not schedule the PPF action for printing.

See also:

Print Profile Determination for Invoice Printout

Printing Delivery Notes


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