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 Using Inactive and Active Document Versions


Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) can accept or reject change messages for inbound deliveries from SAP ERP. EWM uses inactive and active document versions for this. If warehouse activities (follow-on activities) have already begun forinbound deliveries, EWM rejects change messages from SAP ERP. For example, EWM has already created a warehouse task (WT) for an inbound delivery. In doing so, EWM has also already set the status type Warehouse Activities to the status value Partially Completed . In the case of outbound deliveries, EWM can only accept a reduction of the quantity from SAP ERP. If warehouse activities (follow-on activities) have already begun for inbound deliveries, EWM rejects the message from SAP ERP.


  • You have determined the document type for the Post Processing Framework (PPF) action for activating an inbound delivery notification or the outbound delivery request 3 Immediate Processing . You do this in Customizing for the PPF in the action profile in EWM. To do so, in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management , choose Start of the navigation path Cross-Process Settings Next navigation step Delivery Processing Next navigation step Actions Next navigation step Change Actions and Conditions Next navigation step Define Action Profile and Actions End of the navigation path . Select the action profile for an inbound delivery notification (/SCDL/IDR) or for an outbound delivery request (SCWM/ODR). Choose Action Definition in the dialog structure and go from there to the Action Definition tab page in the Action Settings screen area for processing time 3 Immediate Processing .

  • In Customizing, you have assigned the defined action profile to a document type.

    For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Extended Warehouse Management under Start of the navigation path Goods Receipt Process Next navigation step Inbound Delivery Next navigation step Define Document Types for Inbound Delivery Process Using Wizard, End of the navigation path ,or under Start of the navigation path Goods Issue Process Next navigation step Outbound Delivery Next navigation step Define Document Types for Outbound Delivery Process Using Wizard End of the navigation path .

  • In the case of inbound deliveries, the status type Warehouse Activities has the status value Not Started in the document. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Extended Warehouse Management Next navigation step Delivery Processing Next navigation step Inbound Delivery Next navigation step Maintain Inbound Delivery. End of the navigation path At header level, check whether the status type Warehouse Activities has the status value Not Started .

  • The following conditions have been fulfilled in the case of outbound deliveries:

    • The status type Warehouse Activities has the status value Not Started in the document. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Extended Warehouse Management Next navigation step Delivery Processing Next navigation step Outbound Delivery Next navigation step Maintain Outbound Delivery Order End of the navigation path or Maintain Outbound Delivery. At item level, check whether the status type Warehouse Activities has the status value Not Started for the respective delivery item.

    • The status type Locked (Overall Status) has the status value No in the document. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Extended Warehouse Management Next navigation step Delivery Processing Next navigation step Outbound Delivery Next navigation step Maintain Outbound Delivery Order End of the navigation path or Maintain Outbound Delivery. At item level, check whether the status type Locked (Overall Status) has the status value No .

    • Neither you or the system have assigned a wave to the delivery item in the document.


Creating New Documents in EWM
  1. You create a new document (for example, an inbound delivery) in SAP ERP and you save it.

  2. SAP ERP informs EWM of this and EWM creates a corresponding inactive document, for example, an inbound delivery notification IDN .

  3. Depending on your Customizing settings for the PPF, the following is either performed by you or by EWM.

    1. If you determined document type 3 Immediate Processing in the PPF Customizing settings in the action profile in EWM, EWM automatically activates the inactive document. As a result of this activation, EWM creates the active successor document. For example, EWM automatically activates an inbound delivery notification IDN and creates an active inbound delivery ID .

      If EWM cannot perform the PPF action due to an error, EWM creates an inactive document, in other words, an inactive inbound delivery notification or an inactive outbound delivery request. You can manually activate and save these. To do so, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Extended Warehouse Management Next navigation step Delivery Processing End of the navigation path and then one of the following options:

      • Start of the navigation path Inbound Delivery Next navigation step Maintain Inbound Delivery Notification End of the navigation path and the Activate pushbutton.

      • Start of the navigation path Outbound Delivery Next navigation step Maintain Outbound Delivery Request End of the navigation path and the Activate pushbutton.

    2. If you have not determined document type 3 Immediate Processing in the PPF Customizing settings in the action profile in EWM, EWM always creates an inactive document. You can manually activate and save these. To do so, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Extended Warehouse Management Next navigation step Delivery Processing End of the navigation path and then one of the following options:

      • Start of the navigation path Inbound Delivery Next navigation step Maintain Inbound Delivery Notification End of the navigation path and the Activate pushbutton.

      • Start of the navigation path Outbound Delivery Next navigation step Maintain Outbound Delivery Request End of the navigation path and the Activate pushbutton.

Accepting Inbound Delivery Changes to SAP ERP Documents in EWM
  1. You change an SAP ERP inbound delivery, for example, you change the quantity and save this change. SAP ERP creates a new document with a temporary document number.

  2. SAP ERP notifies EWM to replace the inactive inbound delivery.

  3. EWM creates a corresponding inactive document for the existing document. In other words, EWM creates an inactive inbound delivery notification for an existing active inbound delivery notification. The inactive document has the same document number as the existing active document. The active inbound delivery notification IDN corresponds to the active inbound delivery ID in EWM that contains the unchanged quantities.

  4. EWM carries out one of the following options:

    1. If EWM has not yet carried out any changes for the active document (that is, the status type Warehouse Activities still has the status value Not Started ), EWM accepts the message from SAP ERP.

      Depending on your Customizing settings for the PPF, the inactive document is either activated by you or by EWM. EWM copies the changes to the active document. For example, EWM activates an inactive inbound delivery notification with a quantity change from SAP ERP. EWM copies the quantity changes to the inbound delivery, that is, the inactive inbound delivery notification overwrites the active inbound delivery notification.

    2. If EWM has already carried out changes for the inactive document, or it cannot carry out the quantity change from SAP ERP, EWM rejects the change message from SAP ERP. EWM does not copy the changes to the active document. For example, EWM has already created a warehouse task for an inbound delivery and has set the status value Partially Started for the status type Warehouse Activities . If you now make another change to the inbound delivery in SAP ERP, EWM does not copy this change to the active inbound delivery.

  5. EWM informs SAP ERP of the rejection or acceptance.

  6. SAP ERP deletes the temporarily created SAP ERP document number again.

Accepting Outbound Delivery Changes to SAP ERP Documents in EWM
  1. In SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM), the quantity of an order is reduced and SAP CRM sends this quantity change to SAP ERP.

  2. SAP ERP then sends the quantity change to EWM.

    Note Note

    In contrast to inbound delivery cases, EWM does not create a corresponding inactive document (in other words, an inactive outbound delivery request) for the existing active document in the case of outbound deliveries.

    End of the note.
  3. EWM carries out one of the following options:

    1. If EWM has not yet carried out any changes for the active document (that is, the status type Warehouse Activities still has the status value Not Started ), and the other prerequisites for outbound delivery cases apply (see ‘Prerequisites’), EWM accepts the message from SAP ERP. EWM copies the quantity reduction to the active document.

    2. If EWM has already carried out changes for the active document, or it cannot carry out the quantity reduction from SAP ERP, EWM rejects the message from SAP ERP. EWM does not copy the quantity reduction to the active document.

  4. EWM informs SAP ERP of the rejection or acceptance.

  5. If necessary, SAP ERP changes its outbound delivery in accordance with the message.

    Note Note

    For more information about document control and processing checked deliveries in SAP ERP, see the SAP Library under Start of the navigation path Documentation Next navigation step SAP ERP Central Component Next navigation step SAP ERP Central Component Next navigation step Logistics Next navigation step General Logistics (LO) Next navigation step Service Parts Management: End of the navigation path

    End of the note.
    • Start of the navigation path  Next navigation step Architecture and Communication Next navigation step Document Control End of the navigation path

    • Start of the navigation path  Next navigation step Goods Issue Process Next navigation step Processing Checked Deliveries. End of the navigation path

Inbound Delivery Notification

Outbound Delivery Order